posted in 15 Aug 2008
On August 16th, an expedition composed by ten volunteers of GAP Project Spain with the leadership of Paco Cuellar, International Director of GAP Project in Europe, will leave Madrid to go to Senegal, to meet the primatologist Jill Pruetz and her advanced group at a protect area called Fongoli, where some groups of chimpanzees from the savannah live in freedom.

The mission of GAP expedition is to support Jill\’s Project and her collaborators and to organize the recruitment and sponsoring of the forest guards who will take care of the area, that is located on north Africa and home of great primates who live in the wild.

The members of the expedition are leaving with their luggage full of gifts and objects needed by the local population, that helps Jill in her work. It will be an intensive trip that will roam more de 550 kilometers through precarious routes.

According to Pedro Pozas Terrados, Executive Director of GAP Project in Spain, “the mission of this expedition is to create a new way to fight in the African continent and show to the village dwellers, who live together with their brothers primates, that they are not alone and can count on us whenever they need.” At the same time, according to Pedro, “it will allow the implementation of ways of communication with the local population and will help them on the awereness work of preservation of the great primates habitat.”