Argentine zoo that lets visitors enter the cages can be closed
posted in 17 Dec 2014

Imprisoned and sedated

A private zoo near Buenos Aires, Luján zoo,  which allows visitors to enter the cages of the lions and tigers, can have its doors closed by the state government.

The department of land affairs considers that allowing the entry of visitors is against a law that regulates zoos and explicitly prohibits direct contact with the animals.

As the site is recurrent, its closure was ordered. The closure is still in administrative step (without the involvement of Justice).

Luján zoo has 400 animals on display, and the big attraction is just the possibility of entering the cages of the big cats.

To newspaper “Clarín”, administrators said the cages opened to visitors are the ones of young animals that do not represent danger, and that adults are considered  to be domestic.

In addition, they would use techniques to tame the animals. NGOs have accused the famous Argentine zoo to sedate animals to attract tourists. In its marketing campaign, Luján zoo proclaims itself as the only South American zoo that trains its animals to become docile.

Luján is in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires.


(Luján zoo)