Argentine people are disgusted by the treatment given to chimpanzee Toti
posted in 29 Jan 2014

A demonstration organized through social networks in Argentina gathered, on January 26th, at 11 am, more than 100 people in front of the Zoo Bulbaco, in Negro River, which received chimpanzee Toti from Cordoba Zoo, when a Habeas Corpus was on trial for his freedom and for him to come to the a GAP Sanctuary in Brazil .

Natura Foundation, chaired by Mauricio Balocco and Alejandra Juarez , Representative of GAP Project in Argentina, visited the Zoo and Toti, who was in a 10-feet improvised cage, far worse than he was in Cordoba. Alejandra released footages and her comments through social networks, causing great indignation in the population, which condemned the attitude of Negro River Zoo.

According to Alejandra, Toti is 13 years old, was born in Cutini Zoo and was transferred with his mother to a private zoo, where she died. Toti was isolated and was created a few years in a house until he was transferred to Cordoba Zoo. When she met him,, Alejandra realized he was an apathetic, autistic chimpanzee in his behavior. She started working with him and visited him every week. She became his only friend and Toti awaited for her with anxiety.

Toti was taken out of his relationship with Alejandra on a December night, when she, in a desperate attitude, tried to get him out of the zoo and send him GAP Sanctuary of Sorocaba, in Brazil. In the dead of the night, Toti was taken to the southern of Argentina, for a particular zoo, which has minimal experience with chimpanzees.

Alejandra is appealing, for the second time, to the Habeas Corpus, which was initially denied. She has accumulated a large amount of support from people known in the environmental world, and Toti’s case has been converted into an emblematic case of the fight for chimpanzees  basic rights in our societies.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President, GAP Project International

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