Another 11 chimpanzees arrive at Save the Chimps
posted in 04 May 2011


They must be already together with their partners who arrived first on April. The remaining ones of the group called Seve arrived this weekend in Florida and last Sunday were put together with the rest of the group, who were already waiting for them.

Each trip/migration of the chimpanzees who were temporally kept in renewed enclosures of former torture center Coulston Foundation costs USD 25 thousand and lasts almost two days. At this time the team in Alamogordo, New Mexico, did some changes in the facilities that used to support 10 transport boxes and put them in front of windows, so that the chimpanzees can see the external world for the first time. And as a miracle, they were able to put eleven chimpanzees in the truck and the entire group was able to travel.

All these chimpanzees – see the photos and names bellow – were born in a terrible captivity of medical labs and had never put their feet on the Grass before, nor see the world beyond the cages. Only Rickley, who was kept in a circus during a time of his life, is the exception.

This migration was generously supported by Kevin O’Malley and Jennifer Goldstein, to whom all these innocent beings, torture since they were babies, thank forever.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International