African sanctuary flooded
posted in 29 Dec 2015

The floods that affect South America, especially this year, due to “El Niño” is also affecting Africa. Heavy rains are flooding large African areas and in recent days the Sanctuary of Ngamba Island, which hosts 48 chimpanzees in Uganda, also went into crisis.

PASA – Pan-African Sanctuaries Alliance  had to help this sanctuary, since the facilities in which humans and chimpanzees live were threatened. An emergency financial aid was sent by PASA to the Sanctuary, to protect it from the floods of recent days.

PASA has a fund to help sanctuaries in danger, which generally do not have financial reserves for these emergencies. However, PASA also lacks of sufficient funds to face these emergencies of  the more than 20 members, and is making a World Appeal for donations to be sent in order to strengthen its emergency cash and allow aid for hundreds of primates who survive thanks to the action of PASA member sanctuaries.

Visit Http:// and see how you can collaborate with your Crisis Emergency Fund.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President, GAP Project International