African drama: Chimpanzees in Guinea Stranded without Safe Water
posted in 01 Feb 2017

The Chimpanzee Conservation Center is a PASA _ Pan Afican Sanctuaries Alliance – member that gives long-term care to 52 chimpanzees who have been rescued from bushmeat hunting, the illegal wildlife trade, and other forms of cruelty, and works to save chimps from extinction. CCC is in an extremely remote location in a national park in Guinea, 50 miles from the nearest town and far from conveniences like electricity and running water.
The Chimpanzee Conservation Center depends on a well with a solar-powered pump for all the water needed for drinking, preparing food, and cleaning for 52 chimps and around 25 staff and volunteers.

The pump, which has been used continually for six years, broke down last month. The staff did what they could to fix it, but last week it broke again and water entered the motor, permanently damaging it.

With no other options, the staff carried cans of water up from the River Niger by hand, which was exhausting. After a few days, it was clear that this was untenable. Furthermore, although they treated the river water to make it safe to drink, three people were sick from drinking it and they were worried that the chimps would soon become sick.

The chimpanzees as well as the staff desperately needed safe water, but the Chimpanzee Conservation Center has no money in their budget to buy a new water pump.

This was so urgent that they bought a solar-powered pump with funds designated for basic needs such as food and medical treatment for the chimps. They installed it three days ago, which solved the water crisis but created a new financial emergency.
Two days ago, CCC contacted PASA to ask for an emergency grant to cover the cost of the pump. They had nowhere else to turn. PASA depends on people around the world to enable us to help our members in crisis. You can help making a monthly contribution, so CCC can continue to care for their chimpanzees and so we can help avert the next emergency.

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