Activists camp in front of National Congress in Brazil for projects in defense of animals
posted in 16 Feb 2014

From February 17 to February 20, activists of animal rights will camp in front of the National Congress, in Brasília, capital of Brazil. The National Camp for Animals seeks to pressure lawmakers to approve proposals that address the issue in Brazilian Congress and Senate.

In the list of demands, it is the installation of a CPI to investigate animal abuse, the ban on animal testing by industry and free sterilization of dogs and cats for health and birth control in order to prevent executions of abandoned animals.

The chairman of the Parliamentary Front in Defense of Animals, Mr. Ricardo Izar (PSD – SP), said the group is supporting the movement, which was originated in social networks.

“What we want to show is something that only the House of Representatives have not realized:  that the issue of animal rights is not a secondary one. Today, much of civil society calls for changes in legislation and public policies and this does not happen. We do not see neither the Legislature nor the Executive moving at this point, “he complains.

According to the organizers, the mobilization has more than 1,300 people confirmed in all regions of the country, attended by activists, patrons and supporters of the cause.


The roadmap of activities includes a visit to the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Henrique Eduardo Alves, who has promised to create a special commission to consolidate into a single law 185 projects on the subject that are under consideration in the House.

The movement focused its agenda claim on four bills and a request for CPI analysis:

Bill ( PL ) 1376/03:

Regulates the free sterilization of dogs and cats for health and birth control, in order to prevent executions without discretion in the centers of zoonoses.

Bill ( PL ) 7291/06:

Prohibits animals in circuses throughout the country, included in the substitute amendment as approved by the Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development.

Bill ( PL ) 2833/11:

Increases the penalty for mistreatment and cruelty to animals.

Bill ( PL ) 6602/13:

Prohibits animal testing for the development of products used in cosmetics and hygiene.

Draft Resolution (PRC) 204/13:

Proposes the installation of CPI maltreatment, to investigate mayors denounced for extermination of dogs and other cruelty cases in the country.

Source : House of Representatives / ANDA