Act in Spain : “Great Ape Project , Eight Years Later”
posted in 16 May 2014


This Act to be held in the Congress of Deputies will happen eight years after the controversy erupted , with the presentation of the proposition in the Court of Spain claiming the Rights of Great Apes .  GAP / PGS Project was vilified by many politicians, bishops , associations and media , a national controversy unprecedented in the country over the defense of non-human hominids .

Although Spanish Congress has approved a law that was written to protect these beings in Spain , the great apes remain without a law to protect them, as the initiative was forgotten .

How was the controversy in 2006?

Why do apes still do not have a shield law, despite the project of a bill in Congress had been approved?

What is the current status of these beings? What future awaits them?

All these answers will be provided in the Act “Great Ape Project, Eight Years Later “, with the executive director of GAP / PGS in Spain and also author of ” Defenders of Equality – Freedom without chains , beyond genetics ,” Pedro Pozas Terrados .

He will be joined by former deputy Francisco Garrido , Project supporter in Congress in 2006, and Jordi Guillot , Senator of  ICV, new promoter of the initiative in the Court in 2008. The Act will be presented by Chesus Yuste , representing the Parliamentary Association of Defense of Animals ( APDDA ) .

The entry is free and participation of society is important so this initiative of writing and approval of a law, as it happened  in 2008, can be heard again.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President , GAP Project International