posted in 11 Feb 2009


We were never able to find out her true history, where she had came from, how many places she had passed. We only knew that she had given birth to three babies, who, luckly, had been rescued by GAP and were given a decent and human-exploitation free life style.

Tata died on February 11th, when we were trying to make her life longer. Her life had been surprisingly impacted by an agressive mouth cancer, that in months destroyed her spirit and will for living. The humans were not able to control the disease, which made her suffer a lot.

Tata was Luke and Guga\’s mother, who are in Sorocaba, and Johnny\’s, who is in Curitiba. The three sons were taken out of her a few days after they were born and were delivered to people who used to sell them to other humans. Until GAP put an end to this process and took them to the sanctuaries.

When she arrived at the sanctuary a little bit more than 8 months ago, she had a small wound on her mouth that looked like an afta. In two months it had grown a lot and we started to treat it with medication. But it did not get better. Dr. Roberto Elias, head and neck surgeon, and Dr. Giancarlo Polesello, from São Paulo, did a biopsy and tried to take off the major part of the wound. The biopsy classified it as a cancer wound. In two months the tumour had come back, stronger, and got to her chin, making crunch process very hard. She denied to take any medicine. We isolated her for a few days, but we decided to put her back with Hulk, who was extremely in love with her and did not understand the separation. We knew that her death was a matter of days, and that the best for her would be to be free to go and come, throughout the enclosures and fences, together with Hulk.

A hope had risen. A recent treatment using electrical shots, non-invasive, that could be make would, maybe, control the tumor and make her life longer. Dr. Roberto and oncologist Orlando Parise Junior, both from Hospital "Sírio Libanês", from São Paulo, went to Sorocaba sanctuary on February 11th, aiming to give start to the treatment that would last 4 hours and that would require anesthetic. We doubt that her heart could resist and during the last procedure she almost had a heart breakdown. This time her heart decided that it was the moment to stop and free her from the pain caused by a very aggressive enemy that was inhabiting her body.

Two months ago, during one of the procedures she had been submitted, with anesthetic, Guga was near her enclosure. He knew she was his biological mother. I had explained this to him and he lived together with her for a few days after her arrival. He also knew that somethinhg was happening to her and was very apprehensive. I was with him on the fence and tried to get out to see the anesthetic given by Dr. Camila Gentile, but he asked me to stay and grabbed my hand. He took me to the other side of the fence, from where we could almost see where his mother – who was groaning – was. He asked me to do something, but I was not able to explain to him and only tried to calm him down. Then the anesthetic made her sleep and she no longer was emiting sounds.

The sad thing of this history is that her two sons were around, years after abondonment and suffering, her partner Hulk loved her so much and she was not being submitted to an audience anymore. The hiden enemy who were inhabiting her body put an end to her life, which had very bad moments caused by humans.

May she rest in PEACE!

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International