62 chimpanzees are killed in nine years
posted in 09 Nov 2010


NIH – National Institute of Health has been massacring chimpanzees for the last nine years. Sixty-two chimpanzees who lived at Alamogordo Primate Facility (APF) died between 2001 and 2010. The information used to be confidential, but organizations like NEAVS and R&R Project, through Information Freedom Act, had access to these terrible numbers.

The most dramatic of this is that NIH is an institution that exists to fight for life and at the same time promote the death of several of our primates brothers, who are retired of medical experimentation at Alamogordo facilities. And now they intend to reactivate the invasive procedures in the 186 primates who are still alive to experiment on diseases like hepatitis, cancer, immunological diseases, among others.

The majority of these chimpanzees live since they were born at cages in labs. Some who are older, like Maxwell, 49 years old,, Josam, 46, and Susie,  44, who have already suffer absurdly, will be tortured and abused again in invasive medical procedures.

The causes of the deaths go from heart, kidney and liver diseases to accidental electrocution, which killed three 10-year-old male chimpanzees (Jerome, Ritchie and Snoy).

An immediate action of all who defend primates and every other animal is necessary in order to avoid that these 186 survivors of the massacre at NIH come back to torture at

Southwest National Primate Research Center: a beautiful name for a torture center like the ones spread by Hitler, but here in the XXI century and in the most developed country of the world.

Remembering those who died

Write to Dr. Francis Collins, NIH’s director, and ask for these 186 chimpanzees of Alamogordo do not come back to be used in medical experimentation:

Dr. Francis Collins, Director
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20892 – USA
Tel. 301-496-2433

Letter model


List of the 62 chimpanzees who were killed in PDF – click here