posted in 17 May 2021
Absurd! Offspring uses two chimpanzees in videoclip
NGO PETA @peta sent a letter to the leader of band Offspirng pointing the absurd regarding the use of two chimpanzees in the videoclip of the song “We never have sex anymore”, recently launched. The animals are submitted to exploited situations beside celebrities, which transmits a very wrong and old-fashioned
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posted in 10 May 2021
Baby chimps thrive in new nursery
From PASA - Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance Thanks to our supporters, 23 orphaned chimpanzee infants have a safe place to play! Watch the video to see where these baby chimps will thrive for years to come. A few months ago, the Tacugama nursery in Sierra Leone was bursting at the seams.
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posted in 08 May 2021
In Loving Memory of Scrappy
From Save the Chimps Sanctuary It is with a heavy heart that we share with you the passing of Scrappy, a beloved and respected member of Seve’s family. Born in 1999 at the Coulston Foundation, a biomedical research laboratory, Scrappy was taken from his mother at birth. Fortunately, however, he
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posted in 02 May 2021
In Memory of Dr. Carole Noon
From Save the Chimps Sanctuary Twelve years ago today, Save the Chimps' founder, Dr. Carole Noon passed away of pancreatic cancer in her home on sanctuary property. She remains an inspiration to all the lives she touched and a motivator to carry on her important work. More than 300 chimpanzees have
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posted in 23 Apr 2021
Happy 50th Birthday Popi!
From Center for Great Apes (CGA) Popi, the second oldest pure Bornean orangutan in North America, turns 50 years old Friday, April 23rd. This distinguished elder has seen and been through a lot in her life. Popi was born in a biomedical lab then sold to a trainer who worked her
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posted in 12 Apr 2021
Radio gorilla serves communities about COVID-19 prevention
By Jaqueline B. Ramos* What do gorillas have to do with the prevention of spread of COVID-19? In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), more specifically in remote villages around Tayna Nature Reserve, eastern of the country, they are intrinsically connected. And the information to raise awareness about this arrives
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posted in 06 Apr 2021
How animals find medicine in nature
By CrowdScience - BBC World Service Something strange happened 35 years ago, when primatologist Mike Huffman was studying a group of chimpanzees in western Tanzania. Chausiku, one of the females, left her young baby with other animals of the species, climbed a tree and lay down in a nest. "It is
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posted in 03 Apr 2021
NASA’s Long and Controversial History with Animal Experimentation
By Tracy Keeling (One Green Planet) At the end of 2020, a controversial fact emerged about the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). A Freedom of Information (FoI) request revealed that all the captive monkeys in one of its research centers had been put to death on a single day in 2019.
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posted in 29 Mar 2021
In Loving Memory of Frieda – 1981-2021
From Save the Chimps Sanctuary It is with a heavy heart that we share that Frieda passed away unexpectedly last week from natural causes. She was a dear member of Rufus’ family and will always be remembered for her sweet and loving nature. Frieda was born November 21, 1981 at Holloman Air
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posted in 27 Mar 2021
ALERT – Deadly virus attacks monkeys in Cameroon
From PASA - Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance Already under constant threat of rising COVID-19 cases in Cameroon, Limbe Wildlife Centre is facing yet another deadly virus. It started suddenly when two drills (large, endangered monkeys) were found dead early one morning. Only an hour later, another drill showed signs of
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posted in 26 Mar 2021
The Islamabad High Court Is Protecting the Legal Rights of Animals
Nicole Pallotta, Senior Policy Program Manager in the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Animal Law Program, analyzes the recent grant of legal personhood to animals and recognition of their natural rights by a landmark judgement given by the Islamabad High Court... In a ground-breaking decision, the Islamabad High Court in
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posted in 12 Mar 2021
Stop using “Purin” for entertainment! Sign the petition
A petition created by Voice for Zoo Animals Japan to be sent to Ikuo Kabashima, Governor of Kumamoto Prefecture Yoshioki Sato, Mayor of Aso City, urges that Miyazawa Theater, in Kumamoto Prefecture, stops the exploitation of infant chimpanzee Purin. Unfortunately this kind of entertainment activities with animals still happens in
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posted in 10 Mar 2021
Argentina / Chimpanzees: what will happen to the five individuals who live in zoos in the country?
They share more than 90% of chromosomes with humans; there is a specimen in captivity in Luján, another in Río Negro, another in La Plata and two in the Capital By Isabel de Estrada (La Nación) The chimpanzee is the closest relative to man. We share more than 90%
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posted in 08 Mar 2021
First great apes at U.S. zoo receive COVID-19 vaccine made for animals
By NATASHA DALY (National Geographic) An orangutan named Karen, the first in the world to have open-heart surgery in 1994, has made medical history again: She’s among the first great apes to get a COVID-19 vaccine. In February, Karen, three other orangutans, and five bonobos at the San Diego Zoo
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posted in 04 Mar 2021
Japanese research initiative with bonobos in DRC benefits conservation and support to forest people
By Jaqueline B. Ramos* / Photos credit: courtesy of SCB/WCBR Kiku arrived in the group when she was estimated to be 10 years old, on December 1984. She made a special bond with Halu, an older female, considered to be a “specific senior female” (SSF), using the scientific language of field researchers.
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