posted in 01 Sep 2009
Maximo Sandin is new Scientific Advisor
GAP PROJECT SPAIN GAP Project Spain (PGS) has just chosen PHD in Biology at MadridUniversity, Maximo Sandin, as its new scientific advisor. Dr. Sandin is deeply compromised in the fight for the survival of great primates in our planet. In his last declaration, he affirmed: “Australopithecus africanus are the
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posted in 25 Aug 2009
Deforestation in Borneo and Sumatra is alarming, says WWF
In this rhythm, say scientists, the two islands in Indonesia will loose all their forest area until 2020  EFE BERLIM - Tropical forests of Borneo and Sumatra face an alarming devastation status, which means an acceleration in the process of climate change, says a satellite image research promoted and presented
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posted in 19 Aug 2009
Secret video exposes UK circus elephant suffering (watch video)
Animal Defenders International (ADI) has released shocking footage from behind the scenes at the Great British Circus, showing violence and confinement of circus elephants. The results of an undercover investigation by ADI shows the animals being hit in the face, being kept chained and barely able to move for up
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posted in 19 Aug 2009
Save the Chimps: Check an amazing aerial view of the sanctuary
From Save the Chimps We are happy to share the news that we met our $25,000 goal for the 2019 Golf Cart Campaign. Thanks to many generous donors, we have the funds to purchase 10 gently used golf carts to replace one-third of our fleet. These carts are coming off of their initial
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posted in 18 Aug 2009
Great primates in the way to extinction
GAP Project International supports the denounce made by GAP Project Spain, which is promoting an alert worldwide so that action is taken urgently in order to stop the extinction of great primates in their habitat in Asia and Africa. The forests of these continents must be declared Humanity Patrimony and
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posted in 18 Aug 2009
Vicky and Billy walk on the grass
SAVE THE CHIMPS SANCTUARY Vicky and Billy lived for years in separated cages, at the backyard of a family house in the North of Florida. Environmental state authorities have confiscated the chimpanzees and asked for the sanctuary in Fort Pierce to home them. Although it was not part of the
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posted in 18 Aug 2009
Chimpanzees’ integration
CENTER FOR GREAT APES One of the most delicate activities of a sanctuary is to integrate a group of chimpanzees or integrate an individual in a formed group. Let’s see the report by Patti Ragan, from Center for Great Apes, in Wauchula, Florida, with an example of an
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posted in 18 Aug 2009
Volunteering work became mission
CENTER FOR GREAT APES Twenty years ago, according to Patti Ragan, she did a volunteer work of taking care of a baby orangutan and after, of a baby chimpanzee. That volunteering work, which was also a hobby, could last a few months, but ended up converting in the mission of
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posted in 17 Aug 2009
Circus captivity is beastly for wild animals
New Scientist Magazine on line       20 May 2009 by Andy Coghlan   Stars of the show they may be, but elephants, lions and tigers are the wild animals least suited to life in a circus, concludes the first global study of animal welfare in circuses. "It's
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posted in 17 Aug 2009
Circus captivity is beastly for wild animals
New Scientist Magazine on line       20 May 2009 by Andy Coghlan   Stars of the show they may be, but elephants, lions and tigers are the wild animals least suited to life in a circus, concludes the first global study of animal welfare in circuses. "It's
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posted in 17 Aug 2009
Circus captivity is beastly for wild animals
New Scientist Magazine on line       20 May 2009 by Andy Coghlan   Stars of the show they may be, but elephants, lions and tigers are the wild animals least suited to life in a circus, concludes the first global study of animal welfare in circuses. "It's
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posted in 13 Aug 2009
The drama of the tigers in the wild
NEAR TO EXTINCTION  There are less than 4 thousand tigers in the wild in the world, according to recent report by organization TRAFFIC. This is an evidence of treat to extinction and it is dramatic. At the same time, only in United States there are, according to the same report, 5
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posted in 13 Aug 2009
From the trees do the ground
August, 8, 2009 Study with primates concludes that human bipedalism is originated from an ancestor who preferred trees to walk on the ground, similar to the gorillas FAPESP Agency – A news study, done though the analysis of bones of diverse species of primates, reinforce the notion that the human characteristic of
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posted in 12 Aug 2009
Main Spanish primatologist dies
MEMBER OF GAP PROJECT GAP Project, Spain and the great primates lost one of their main defenders. Jordi Sabater was founder and scientific consultant of GAP Spain. He has always been a defender of the rights of great primates in our society. Executive Director of GAP Project Spain, Pedro Pozas
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posted in 12 Aug 2009
Chimpanzees of Tanzania threatened to extinction
THERE ARE ONLY 700 Tanzania had, a few years ago, about 10000 chimpanzees in the wild. In Gombe, primatologist Jane Goodall began his research work with chimpanzees and showed to the world their ability to make tools as humans. Gombe, which has been declared National Park for the preservation of its primates&
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