posted in 29 Dec 2009
Cable traps: a danger for chimpanzees
By Serge K. Soiret, GAP correspondent in West Africa, from Ivory Coast The cable trap is a method of non-selective capture used by hunters around the TaiNational Park to obtain bushmeat. In November, during our field work, chimpanzee Manchot was a victim of this abhorrent activity. His left arm was
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posted in 29 Dec 2009
Le Cirque loses all the animals and is condemned for mistreating
Brasília, Brazil: In a long 16 page sentence elaborated by Judge Esdras Neves, of Justice Tribunal of Federal District, the circus Le Cirque lost the property of all the animals that had already been confiscated by Ibama on July-August 2008. Besides, the circus’ owners were condemned for mistreating and
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posted in 28 Dec 2009
NASA will submit South-American monkeys to radiation
SPEAK OUT AGAINST! Getting back to its experiments of the past, when a lot of chimpanzees and other primates were killed for nothing, NASA has just announced that will submitt a group of 18 to 28 monkeys of the species Saimiri, originated from South America, to the effects of long radiation in
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posted in 23 Dec 2009
A day with chimpanzees
By Serge K. Soiret, GAP correspondent in West Africa, from Ivory Coast Very early the morning, we move into the forest to the research of the chimpanzees. After several hours of walk and listening, we finally find them. We are in the season of Sacoglottis gabonensis at TaiNational Park.
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posted in 23 Dec 2009
Watch the Christmas party of Save the Chimps Sanctuary
December 25 on CNN CNN, at American Morning TV show, will exhibit the Christmas party prepared for the chimpanzees at Save the Chimps Sanctuary, in Fort Pierce, Florida. Share with more than 200 chimpanzees the joy of celebrating Christmas far away from the cages and medical torture – for some, a first
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posted in 17 Dec 2009
Habeas Corpus for a zoo chimpanzee is ordered in Brazil
  GAP Project together with other animal protection organizations challenges Brazilian Judicial System and asks for the Habeas Corpus of a chimpanzee December, 17, 2009: In the beginning of the week, GAP (Great Ape Project) together with other representatives of Brazilian animal protection organizations entered with a formal process at the city
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posted in 16 Dec 2009
PASA launches Operations Manual
PASA NEWS The Pan African Sanctuary Alliance (PASA) has released the PASA Operations Manual, a 134-page guidebook to modern sanctuary management that addresses everything from staff size to veterinary care and is the result of nearly two years’ work. The PASA Operations Manual replaces the original PASA Handbook, which
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posted in 15 Dec 2009
Goodbye to Tom!
FAUNA FOUNDATION SANCTUARY Tom was the great ambassador of hundreds of chimpanzees who still suffer in research labs cages in USA. His sad story and his strong personality were the way to show North-American society the need to approve the Bill proposal 1326, which is being evaluated in the Congress and
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posted in 15 Dec 2009
Kenya: Lions will disappear in 20 years
  Fifty years ago more than 500 thousand lions lived in the wild at African countries. Today they do not reach 16 thousand. The estimative is that they won’t exist in 20 years. Among predatory hunting and habitat destruction, another enemy is threatening the survival of the lions: a group of
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posted in 10 Dec 2009
Why chimpanzees are not pets
CARLA NASH BEFORE AND AFTER These images here shown, which appear in a interview at Youtube, are extremely shocking. Carla Nash tried to avoid that chimpanzee Travis had his freedom time out of Sandra Herold’s house, in Stamford, Connecticut, and suffered a violent attack that deformed her completely.
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posted in 08 Dec 2009
GAP participates of WSPA National Convention
GAP Project participated this last weekend (December 4 to 6) of the IV WSPA (World Society for the Protection of Animals) National Convention. The event was promoted in Belo Horizonte city and gathered animal protection NGOs from all over Brazil, which had the opportunity to do a balance of the breakthroughs achieved
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posted in 08 Dec 2009
African children on ‘gorilla warfare’ mission in run-up to COP15
Paris, December 2009 - Seven poor African children fly to Paris on dream-of-a-lifetime trip to be crowned ‘Young Ambassadors of the Great Apes’  “It’s the gorillas I’ve got to thank for bringing me here,” said Sephora Binet-Mboti, (13), as she gazed up, wide-eyed,
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posted in 08 Dec 2009
How circuses take care of the animals
SHOCKING IMAGES A few days ago we put bear Faze, who arrived from Bahia weeks ago, to sleep, in order to do a general check up of his health state and check his mouth problem, as long as he presents serious difficulties to chew food. What we saw were shocking
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posted in 08 Dec 2009
Finally, Ripley reaches his home
By Patti Ragan, Director of the Center for Great ApesDear Center Family and Friends…We’ve had a very special event this week, and I wanted to share it with a few of you before I tell about in our next Email Newsletter.Four years ago, a tragic
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posted in 03 Dec 2009
The story of one HIV research survivor
On December 1 it is celebrated the World Day Against HIV/AIDS and NEAVS/Project R&R remembers Yoko’s story, a male chimpanzee purchased from a circus at age 7 and sent to the Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Surgery in Primates in 1981. He was used extensively in research
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