Center for Great Apes E-news / January 2010 Brrrrrr!!! Even though the rest of the nation is much colder this week than Wauchula, the cold weather is big news for us in Florida. For the first time in decades, we’ve had over a week of freezing nights
GREAT APE TRUST SANCTUARY Matata is the last bonobo, born at African jungle, who entered United States. The others were born there in captivity. Mata is the adoptive mother of Kanzi, the bonobo who has been surprising the world and the scientists due to his ability to communicate through lexigrams
The case of the Habeas Corpus in favor of chimpanzee Jimmy, who lives alone for years in a Brazilian zoo, is being broadcasted internationally by New Tang Dinasty Television.Watch here (in English) - Brazilian Animal Rights Groups Wants Chimp Freed Read more:December 17, 2009: Habeas Corpus for a zoo
DNA test can be requested On Sarasota city, in Florida, United States, the courthouses are facing a different demand in the last few days due to the judicial request for the guard of a 11-month year old baby chimpanzee called Eli. The baby was supposedly robbed and sold to
New Habeas Corpus in favor of Jimmy is ordered in Rio de Janeiro state
JIMMY CASE Professor Dr. Heron Santana and a group of lawyers and public attorneys, together with the most renowned world scientists of Anthropology, Philosofy and Primatology, ordered, last January 19, in Rio de Janeiro Justice Tribunal (TJRJ), a new Habeas Corpus in favor of chimpanzee Jimmy, who lives isolated for years
SCIENTIFIC WORK QUESTIONS A scientific work published this month at Spanish Primatology Association Magazine, signed by two Brazilian biologists, criticizes the Brazilian rules to maintain great primates in cages in zoos, comparing them to the North American and European rules and to the standards adopted at GAP Sanctuary in Sorocaba.
USA: 141 votes in favor of The Great Ape Protection Act
R&R Project R&R Project, together with other organizations, are working intensely since the beginning of the year to be succeed in the approval, by North-American Congress, of the GAP Act – The Great Ape Protection Act. It is a bill proposal that guarantees the retirement of
SOROCABA SANCTUARY Female lion Carol, who arrived four months ago from a circus from Espírito Santo together with his mother, Sarita, and the male Chimarrão, has given birth to two baby lions last Tuesday. Unfortunately only one of them survived. Carol is young, it was
We have already see them using tools of different ways all over African continent – cutting nuts with rocks to take out their meat, taking out the leaves of a branch to get ants, drinking water through a leaf or even turning the branches of a tree into lances, which
Chimpanzees are able to predict the behavior of the fire
Observation work was made at Senegal in 2006 and indicates that the animals had already made their first step towards fire control. The next steps would evolve the ability to contain it adding or removing fuel materials and the ability to generate it. After the discovery that the chimpanzees from Senegal
By Serge K. Soiret, GAP correspondent in West Africa, from Ivory Coast The cable trap is a method of non-selective capture used by hunters around the TaiNational Park to obtain bushmeat. In November, during our field work, chimpanzee Manchot was a victim of this abhorrent activity. His left arm was
Le Cirque loses all the animals and is condemned for mistreating
Brasília, Brazil: In a long 16 page sentence elaborated by Judge Esdras Neves, of Justice Tribunal of Federal District, the circus Le Cirque lost the property of all the animals that had already been confiscated by Ibama on July-August 2008. Besides, the circus’ owners were condemned for mistreating and
NASA will submit South-American monkeys to radiation
SPEAK OUT AGAINST! Getting back to its experiments of the past, when a lot of chimpanzees and other primates were killed for nothing, NASA has just announced that will submitt a group of 18 to 28 monkeys of the species Saimiri, originated from South America, to the effects of long radiation in
By Serge K. Soiret, GAP correspondent in West Africa, from Ivory Coast Very early the morning, we move into the forest to the research of the chimpanzees. After several hours of walk and listening, we finally find them. We are in the season of Sacoglottis gabonensis at TaiNational Park.
Watch the Christmas party of Save the Chimps Sanctuary
December 25 on CNN CNN, at American Morning TV show, will exhibit the Christmas party prepared for the chimpanzees at Save the Chimps Sanctuary, in Fort Pierce, Florida. Share with more than 200 chimpanzees the joy of celebrating Christmas far away from the cages and medical torture – for some, a first