posted in 26 May 2010
GAP Spain launches Project Free Cetaceans
The denounce made a few days ago by GAP Spain about Loro Park, at Canary Islands – which submits orca whales, dolphins and marine lions to abuse treatment, forcing them to do acrobatics in exchange for food/fish, and keeps them in small water tanks, when in the wild these
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posted in 26 May 2010
A work that never ends
CENTER FOR GREAT APES SANCTUARY Center for Great Apes Sanctuary, in Wauchula, Florida, was planned to host 15 great primates in the beginning. In a few years there are already 44 (30 chimpanzees and 14 orangutans). The majority came from the entertainment industry, Hollywood and some lived with families for decades, with no contact
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posted in 20 May 2010
You Can Help Stop Cruel Radiation Experiments
NASA is funding space radiation studies that will be done on live squirrel monkeys. The plan — which will cost $1.75 million — was proposed by Jack Bergman, PhD of McLean Hospital in Belmont, MA. The monkeys will be exposed to radiation at Brookhaven National Laboratory and then be shipped to
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posted in 20 May 2010
Loro Park: GAP Spain asks for its closing due to mistreating
LORO AQUATIC PARK Director of GAP Spain, Pedro Pozas Terrados, did a presentation to Spanish environmental authorities and explained the situation of mistreating faced by orca whales and dolphins at Loro Park, in Santa Cruz, Tenerife. He asks for inspections of the practices and of the utilities and for its
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posted in 19 May 2010
Slave chimpanzees: “Love for Money?”
In the main Picture of this article, a lady, “Jimmy’s owner”, gives a kiss in the chimpanzee as a demonstration of her love for him. However, it is a strange love. Jimmy lives imprisoned in a zoo cage by himself for years, isolated and the lady
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posted in 12 May 2010
Primates, rights’ individuals
LAWYER ALFREDO MIGLIORE, SÃO PAULO UNIVERSITY Thesis defends that primates knows the principles of morality and, consequently, deserve more than care and protection: they should also have their rights recognized   May 15, 2010: A chimpanzee show his tongue. Due to the similarities with humans, primates must have the
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posted in 05 May 2010
Remembering our hero
SAVE THE CHIMPS SANCTUARY   Today, May 2, 2010 marks the first anniversary of the passing of our Founder Carole was an amazing spirit who wandered to the far corners of this wonderful planet of ours until she found her calling in the hearts and souls of chimpanzees. The path that
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posted in 04 May 2010
Target is reached: USD 782.895,53 dólares
SAVE THE CHIMPS SANCTUARY In a few weeks Sanctuary Save the Chimps, in Fort Pierce, Florida, the biggest chimpanzee sanctuary of the world, managed to reach its goal of raising USD 782.895,53 in donations, so that Arcus Foundation would donate the same value. This will guarantee the maintenance of the sanctuary
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posted in 04 May 2010
Great Ape Protection Act: 31 signatures to go
R&R Project announces that the signature of representative Pierluisi (D-PR) can make it possible that Great Ape Protection Act (GAPA H.R. 1326), which will allow all the tortured chimpanzees to retire from medical labs in the US, turns to be true. It is necessary a strong effort of
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posted in 04 May 2010
Aquatic Parks and Zoos are questioned
AT NORTH-AMERICAN CONGRESS A debate is about to happen at North-American Congress about a subject that used to be ignored: what is the utility of the zoos and aquatic parks to North-American people? Do these places have any educative component, like they announce, or they are just entertainment and animal
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posted in 27 Apr 2010
Death consciousness: scientific proof
The recently work published at Current Biology journal that shows the consciousness and solidarity of chimpanzees related to the death of their partners reinforces our defense of the extension of our rights to them.   We can even argue that there is a tendency in scientific community of denying observations
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posted in 22 Apr 2010
April 22: Earth Day
“EARTH DAY” GAP Project International joins all environmental and fauna and flora protection organizations all over the world to demand, on this Day, that the Forests are preserved and that the habitat of millions of native species is safe. The world cannot support a constant and growing destruction
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posted in 20 Apr 2010
United Nations transfers 10 gorillas
NEW GORILLA SANCTUARY According to a PASA communication, next week helicopters of Peace Force of United Nations are going to transport 10 gorillas to a new sanctuary at Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), called Grace. This sanctuary is located in a big reserve called Tayna Natural Reserve and has the approval
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posted in 14 Apr 2010
Cetaceans: “The great primates of the oceans”
GAP PROJECT SPAIN Executive Director of GAP Project Spain, Pedro Pozas Terrados, prepared a large work about the problem faced by great cetaceans in the oceans all over the world and by those that live in captivity being exploited for human entertainment in aquatic parks. Visiting the site bellow, you
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posted in 07 Apr 2010
Last two chimpanzees are transferred
PASA’s OPERATION Last December five chimpanzees and two monkeys were found abandoned in a sanctuary located at Suena, at Congo Democratic Republic (CDR). The sanctuary had been founded in 2005 by South-African couple Pieter e Sumarita Boshoff, who are missing. The three baby chimpanzees were transferred on March to
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