posted in 13 Sep 2021
Gorillas test positive for COVID 19 in North American zoo
This weekend, the Atlanta Zoo, in the United States, reported that 13 individuals from the group of 20 gorillas tested positive for coronavirus. Among them it’s Ozzie, a 60-year-old silver-back male, who is the oldest captive gorilla in the world. The tests were carried out after the zoo team noticed that
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posted in 19 Aug 2021
August 19th – International Orangutan Day
Today International Orangutan Day is celebrated. But other than celebration for this no majestic and unique species, August 19th is an alert date about the danger status of orangutans in the wild. It’s estimated that there are only 50.000 to 65.000 individuais in the forests of Indonesia and Malaysia, south of
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posted in 16 Aug 2021
Chronology – Great Apes evolving
On the evolutionary scale, man (Homo sapiens) is one of five species of great apes. All descended from the same ancestor and each arose at a certain time in the planet's history. Check this chart summarizing previsions made on the chronology of emergence of great apes.  
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posted in 13 Aug 2021
Center for Great Apes (USA): New chimpanzees residents
Six charming chimpanzees arrived here recently from Missouri. They lived in Festus at a facility where several other of our sanctuary residents were born years ago before going into the entertainment business or becoming private pets. So, the newest arrivals already have relatives at the Center. The original owner of
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posted in 02 Aug 2021
Africa: Third COVID Wave Threatens Chimps
From PASA - Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance A devastating third wave of COVID in Sierra Leone is forcing Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary back into lockdown, wreaking havoc on people and chimps. “The health and safety of the chimpanzees and workers at Tacugama is our priority,” said Kareen Zabow, Operations Manager. “We
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posted in 31 Jul 2021
In Loving Memory of Normand / 2000-2021
From Save the Chimps Sanctuary It is with a heavy heart that we share with you the passing of Normand, the alpha male of Bobby's family. Normand was born January 6, 2000 at the Coulston Foundation laboratory in New Mexico, where he was subjected to medical experimentation. Along with his mother, Ethyl,
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posted in 14 Jul 2021
July 14th: World Chimpanzee Day
July 14th is WORLD CHIMPANZEE DAY. The date was created by the Jane Goodall Institute to celebrate this very special species, the closest relatives of man in the animal world. CHIMPANZEES in the wild are threatened, mainly due to the destruction of their habitat and hunting for illegal activities. In
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posted in 13 Jul 2021
After 11 years in a cage, Captain is free!
From PASA - Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance We found Captain alone in a filthy wooden crate. When he was an infant, his “owners” bought him from the hunters who killed his mother. Then they confined him all alone to a tiny cage - for 11 years. We can’t imagine how
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posted in 24 Jun 2021
Oregon deputy fatally shoots chimpanzee after it bites owner’s daughter
Chimpanzee Buck had been kept for 17 years as a pet by a family in the United States and on Sunday, 20, the inevitable happened: he ran away, attacked his owners and was killed by the police. This announced tragedy is unfortunately recurrent in situations where chimpanzees are insisted on be kept
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posted in 17 Jun 2021
Best Practice Guidelines for Responsible Images of Non-Human Primates
We've already talked about this subject and it's always good to reinforce it. The way and type of primate photos posted on the internet and social media can negatively influence the message of conservation and protection, if the images are inappropriate or in the wrong context. The IUCN - International
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posted in 16 Jun 2021
Protecting chimpanzees from COVID-19 – one year later
By Save the Chimps Sanctuary Over a year ago we put strict protocols in place to protect the chimps from COVID-19. With so many of our chimpanzee residents either elderly or immuno-compromised, we enacted strict protocols since the very beginning. We were the first to adapt such strict protocols and
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posted in 10 Jun 2021
Rest In Peace, Dr. Miguel Vaudano
We are very sorry to inform the passing of Dr. Miguel Angel Vaudano, Deputy Coordinator of the GAP Project for Latin America, on 06/08/21 at 17:30, due to COVID. Dr. Miguel was one of the founders of the GAP Project in Brazil and collaborated in various activities for the multiplication and dissemination
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posted in 07 Jun 2021
Cobby, oldest male chimp in a U.S. zoo, dies at 63
By Tim Stelloh (NBC News) Cobby, the oldest male chimpanzee in an accredited U.S. zoo, died Saturday in California, the San Francisco Zoo said. He was 63. His cause of death had not been determined, but he had recently been ill and old age was likely a contributing factor, the
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posted in 02 Jun 2021
It is known that humans can transmit some diseases to other primates, and vice versa, and that some simple colds, for which we already have immunity against, can be very dangerous for chimpanzees, for example. In times of coronavirus, veterinarians and other specialists who care for great apes and other
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posted in 27 May 2021
Three years without Guga
Today's TBT is a tribute. Exactly 3 years ago the chimpanzee Guga left us. Guga was the first chimpanzee at the Great Apes Sanctuary of Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil, and the great inspirer for the information and awareness activities of GAP Project Brazil/International. Because of Guga, the four sanctuaries
Residents' Stories Guga
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