posted in 29 Jul 2010
Catalunya: example for the world!
A historical decision took place on July 28 at the region of Catalunya – for some, in Spain, and for others, an independent region. No matter political-regional fights, it is important to celebrate the victory of the good sense: the ban of bullfighting. Although it is considered a cultural patrimony, it
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posted in 28 Jul 2010
Juan: a stolen life
One more martyr of the fight Juan was 34 years old and his mutilated body appeared more age. Humans destroyed him inside and outside, claiming for scientific reasons. One more martyr, like many others who died due to the aggression against their bodies. Juan was born on August 13, 1975 in a primates&
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posted in 27 Jul 2010
Bear hunting
AT NEW YORK STATE Five hundred Black bears are going to be killed at New York State during six days of hunting, with official authorization. The objective is to reduce the population of bears, which raised a lot in the last 20 years, using this barbaric way. It is estimated that 3.400
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posted in 27 Jul 2010
USD 1800 for a marmoset!
MONKEYS COMMERCE AT UNITED STATES Animal trafficking exists because there are a lot of people who buy them as pets no only here, but all over the world. This is a proof that catching dealers is not enough. It is necessary to fight for the ban of the selling of
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posted in 26 Jul 2010
Chimpanzees use plants for health treatment
By Serge K. Soiret, GAP correspondent in West Africa, from Ivory Coast  We have observed remarkable behaviors among chimpanzees. We know that in nature, chimpanzees use some plants for health treatment (they also often use the same plants as human healers). For example, in Ivory Cost, at Taï
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posted in 20 Jul 2010
ALERT! Primates’ mistreating and abuse at South Africa
Before the beginning of FIFA World Cup, GAP Project alerted about a serious problem that has been happening in Monkey Town, a private zoo at Cape Town, South Africa: the abuse and mistreating of animals, against them great primates, as chimpanzees. You can read the first denounces here and now,
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posted in 15 Jul 2010
130 homeless primates
PASA’s initiative Pan-African Sanctuaries Alliance – PASA – launched the initiative of raising funds in order to give home for more than 130 primates that are waiting for vacancy at African sanctuaries. A donator offered PASA to double the maximum of USD 25 thousand to the value the organization raised
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posted in 14 Jul 2010
Open debate: Can Veterinarian Medicine treat great primates?
In the majority of Vet Schools in the world, the theme “great primates” is limited to a few hours of study during a semester. If we ask any veterinarian, in any place, if he feels capable of doing any operation in a chimpanzee, the answer is going to
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posted in 08 Jul 2010
Rent Car Company uses baby chimpanzee in advertisement
In order to produce a 30 second advertisement of a French multinational rent car company – Europcar (which has a fleet of 200 thousand cars and is at 143 countries), a baby chimpanzee, called Suzy, was taken from United States to South Africa, so the commercial could be filmed there, because of the
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posted in 07 Jul 2010
Bonobo handshake
LOLA YA BONOBO SANCTUARY Vanessa Woods is a researcher from Duke University, United States. She spent the last decade among the bonobos at Lola Ya Bonobo Sanctuary, unique in the world for these primates. From her experience was born the book “Bonobo Handshake”, edited by Gotham Books. Its
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posted in 06 Jul 2010
Protest against NASA in United States
R&R Project and NGO NEAVS made a protest in front of Mclean Hospital, in Washington, where a group of saimiri monkeys will be submitted to radiation in a NASA’s project with a cost of USD 1,75 million, in order to evaluate to consequences of radiation on them.
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posted in 01 Jul 2010
Seven thousand wild animals are confiscated in Brazil
SAN FRANCISCO OPERATION In a joint operation, Brazilian Federal Police, National Natural Resources Institute (IBAMA) and Interpol, a well structure criminal gang of wild animals poaching was taken apart this Wednesday, June 30, and several people were arrested in cities in Paraná, Santa Catarina e São Paulo states.
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posted in 01 Jul 2010
Historical Agreement: Circus Portugal agrees not to have animals
Salvador, Brazil: In a Conduct Adjustment Commitment signed between Circus Portugal, Bahia Public Ministry and NGOs Célula Mãe and Terra Verde Viva, the circus made it official the abolition of the use of animals in its shows all over the country   The legal proceeding signed
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posted in 30 Jun 2010
The sacrifice of the innocent ones
SAVE THE CHIMPS SANCTUARY In 2001, 21 chimpanzees who survived from the experimentation of North-American Air Force and NASA Space Project were delivered to Save the Chimps sanctuary, in Fort Pierce, Florida. At that time Dr. Carole Noon was starting to build it, to save the lives of those who remained from
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posted in 29 Jun 2010
The drumming (with video)
By Serge K. Soiret, GAP correspondent in West Africa, from Ivory Coast  Drumming is one way to communicate among chimpanzees. For us who follow them, the drumming allows us to locate them in the forest and go near them to spend the whole day. It is done exclusively by
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