posted in 01 Sep 2010
Fifty-six year old chimpanzee gives birth to a baby
IN A NORTH-AMERICAN ZOO A 56-year-old chimpanzee, who had been taken out of a Project to avoid births of Manhattan zoo, in Kansas, gave birth to a healthy baby on August 18. According to North-American Zoo Association, Suzy, the mother of the baby, is one of the three oldest female chimpanzees
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posted in 31 Aug 2010
Alert: Exchange of orangutans between zoos
GAP PROJECT SPAIN GAP Project Spain has denounced an agreement made between Santillana del Mar (Cantabria) Zoo and Monkey World (England) to send a nine-month-old baby orangutan, who will be taken out of his mother, to another group of orangutans of the English zoo. The destruction of the family unit
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posted in 26 Aug 2010
Discussion about animals as individuals who have rights highlighted at International Congress
Yesterday was the first day of the II International Congress of Bioethics and Animal Rights, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The opening solemnity counted with the presence of important local authorities, among them the president of Brazil Lawyers Organization of Bahia, who pointed the pioneering nature of the institution in creating
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posted in 25 Aug 2010
Bioethics and Animal Rights in International Debate
The order for the Habeas Corpus of chimpanzee Jimmy can turn Brazil to be a vanguard country on animal legislation  Today is the first day of the event II International Congress of Bioethics and Animal Rights, in Salvador, Bahia, which was organized by Abolitionist Institute. The event will put
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posted in 25 Aug 2010
World Circus humiliates Tiger in Argentina
DENNOUNCE FROM ARGENTINA We have received a denounce through GAP Project website about a story of humiliation of a big three-year-old Siberian Tiger, very fat, who was shown to the public in a show promoted by World Circus at the city of San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina. The tiger was
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posted in 25 Aug 2010
See you, Mack …
“WE GO SI BACK” MACK ... Last August 22 would be normal day for Mack. After lunch he came back to his island in company with his family. In this afternoon Mack laid down under a palm tree and did not awake. Mack, who came from Sierra Leone, West Africa,
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posted in 25 Aug 2010
Baby chimpanzee get stuck in a grid
NEWS AT CHIMFUNSHI In the end of the morning a big yell mobilized every keeper. Something was happening, a fight, a snake...? No, nothing like that. Moyo, a three-year-old baby chimpanzee, son of Maggie, had stuck his head on the grid, trying to enter at the food room before the
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posted in 12 Aug 2010
Case Jimmy all over the world
CORRIERE DE LA SERA, ITALIA Na article published by Reuters Agency about GAP Project and Great Primates Sanctuary of Sorocaba, the story of Jimmy (who is waiting, for months, for judicial decision about his liberty from a prison and absurd slavery that suffers for years in a small cage at
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posted in 12 Aug 2010
Two new residents arrive
SAVE THE CHIMPS SANCTUARY Connor and Kramer are half brothers, males and both are eight years old. They used to be kept by a family as “pets”, until they realized their strength when they became teenagers and found that it was impossible to control them in a house
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posted in 12 Aug 2010
II World Conference of Bioethics and Animal Rights
SALVADOR, BAHIA An important event starts on August 25 at Salvador, capital of Bahia state, in Brazil. The II World Conference of Bioethics and Animal Rights is being organized by Dr. Heron Santana, one of the authors of the Habeas Corpus ordered in favor of chimpanzee Jimmy, and a group of
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posted in 11 Aug 2010
Protection Act Proposal is on US Senate
R&R PROJECT With 149 positive votes at the Deputies Chamber on North-American Congress, Great Primates Protection Act Proposal is also on the Senate. And has the support of three important multiparty senators: Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Susan Collins (R-ME) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT), under identification S3694. At the Chamber the
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posted in 11 Aug 2010
Kanzi on Time Magazine and CNN
GREAT APE TRUST SANCTUARY Bonobo Kanzi, the most famous one in the world, is highlighted in an article published by Time Magazine August 6 edition, which CNN and PBS channel are already promoting. Journalist Jeffrey Kluger, author of the article, visited Kanzi at the sanctuary in Iowa, where it is studied
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posted in 11 Aug 2010
Pedro Ynterian’s Conservationist Battle
By Emanuela Di Pasqua (newspaper Corriere de La Sera, Italy)   Chimpanzees’ rights and duties   Brazilian biologist begs for a Law to equal them to humans: they can end up being arrested by stealing a banana, but they will never more be mocked in slavery   MILAN –
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posted in 05 Aug 2010
Great Primates: survivors
HUMAN GREED Both orangutans and chimpanzees and gorillas, who today live in thousand – when they used to be million – will not exist anymore in wild life and are the example of survival facing human greed. As long as humans enter their lands, they get out to most private
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posted in 04 Aug 2010
GAP in Africa, a sustainable project
AVOID DEFORESTATION A project supported by Man and Nature Foundation and by GAP Project Spain is developed at Tai National Park, in Ivory Coast, one of the most punished areas for deforestation and destruction of habitats of several species, including chimpanzees. The best way to avoid that the inhabitants of
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