posted in 04 Nov 2010
The largest primates sanctuary of Americas
We reproduce bellow aerial photos taken on October 28 of Sorocaba Great Primates Sanctuary, with the latest enclosures constructions. Today it is the largest private primates sanctuary of American continent.
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posted in 04 Nov 2010
Alternative energy program around Taï National Park
By Serge K. Soiret, GAP correspondent in West Africa, from Ivory CoastFrom July to August 2010, Virginia Echavarria and me carried out a pilot project on the production of combustible briquette. This pilot project was sponsored by the Spanish Organization Proyecto Gran Simio and the Natural Foundation and Man.  It
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posted in 26 Oct 2010
Why Zoonit would be different?
JIMMY’S HABEAS CORPUS CASE   GAP Project ordered in Brazilian Justice System an Habeas Corpus to free chimpanzee Jimmy from his cage at Zoonit (zoo at Niterói city, in Rio de Janeiro state), where he lives by himself for 12 years. Zoonit opposed his freedom and transference
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posted in 13 Oct 2010
How long does a primate live?
North-American scientific magazine “PNAS” has published a work by Spanish anthropologist Juan-Luis Arsuaga and his team, from Madrid Complutense University, that describes the older primitive human primate discovered, with 45 years old. A half-million year specimen of Homo heidelbergensis has been presented as the oldest representative of that
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posted in 13 Oct 2010
Wes: everyone will remember his smile
SAVE THE CHIMPS SANCTUARY He was about to turn 50. For 35 years he lived in a cage of a laboratory of Coulston Foundation Torture Center. Several diseases were inoculated in him, a lot of blood collection was made, just like biopsies and other invasive procedure, not to mention his use for
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posted in 07 Oct 2010
The death of a smoking chimpanzee (with video)
ZOO AT SOUTH AFRICA When chimpanzees in circuses were a success, one of the atrocities committed by circuses’ owners against the primates was to addicted them in cigarettes. The old Garcia Circus, in Brazil, had several smoking chimpanzees and, like a competition, other Brazilian circuses did the same. Junior,
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posted in 06 Oct 2010
Death of animals in zoos
NOT ONLY IN BRAZIL Frequently we read news about death of animals in our zoos. But this sad privilege is not only of Brazil. At other countries this also happens, like a recent event at New Delhi Zoo, in India, where 32 black antelopes (Antílope cervicapra), a rare and
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posted in 05 Oct 2010
The Green wave is rising
YOUNGSTERS LEAVE THEIR MESSAGE  The elections in Brazil on October 3rd made it very clear. From now on no candidate will be elected if he or she does not give the real attention to environment, nature, to animal respect and to the preservation of our resources. The Green
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posted in 30 Sep 2010
Crime in USA: old chimpanzees come back to torture
Flo, a female chimpanzee, turned 53 years old yesterday. She spent all her life in medical torture lab cages in United States. Several viruses were inoculated on her: hepatitis C, HIV, among others. She survived, but her fight was almost in vain. In spite of being an institution that North- American
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posted in 30 Sep 2010
China: disrespect for animals
BEARS, PANDAS, CHIMPANZEES... China is known for its disrespect for animals. It is shocking in a globalized world, where information is spread quickly. The case of the Panda bear borrowed to a Japanese zoo (like many other borrowed and donated to zoo, as if they were objects, in order to
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posted in 22 Sep 2010
Puerto Rico: monkeys for medical experimentation
SPEAK OUT AGAINST! AVOID IT TO HAPPEN! Bioculture is a company located at Puerto Rico (North-American state) that reproduces monkeys and other animals for use in medical experimentation. In its most recent project it is planned to catch in the jungles of Mauricio Island, near Madagascar (African east coast), 4 thousand
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posted in 22 Sep 2010
Tragedy in Congo: Are we going to do something?
In the North of Democratic Republic of Congo and in south of African-Centre Republic (Africa’s heart) there is, maybe, the last fight that one species of chimpanzee - Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii – sustains for survival in their wild refuge areas. In the region known as Bili-Uér&
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posted in 21 Sep 2010
Congo Democratic Republic: 523 parrots are confiscated
An illegal shipment of 523 endangered African Grey parrots was confiscated September 18 in the Democratic Republic of Congo and taken to the Lwiro sanctuary, placing an incredible strain on staff and resources. Lwiro is already home to over 100 orphaned chimpanzees and monkeys, but has no provision for birds. The parrots were
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posted in 16 Sep 2010
GAP Spain asks for several aquatic parks to be closed
In the campaign of free great apes and cetaceans, GAP Project Spain sent a denounce to Nature Protection Agency and to ‘Seprona’ (Civil Guard Nature Protection Service, in Spanish) of the country, listing several irregularities of Spanish aquatic parks. Director of GAP Spain, Pedro Pozas Terrados, declared in
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posted in 15 Sep 2010
Kenda Diallo: more than a friend of chimpanzees
For 17 years living part of his life with chimpanzees at Guinea, Africa, Kenda Diallo spends three weeks with them and a week with his family. He was awarded this year as Conservation Hero, an award that Disney Foundation gives each year to a person who highlighted in the area in
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