posted in 12 Jan 2011
Ape House
A FASCINATING BOOK This is her forth book.Sara Gruen is Canadian, from Vancouver. One of her last book - - “Water for Elephants” – was an international best seller. This now – “Ape House” – probably will be another world success. With a romance styly,
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posted in 06 Jan 2011
NIH reevaluates transfer of chimpanzees to experimentation
HOPEFUL NEW YEAR According to North-American National Institutes of Health (NIH) statement issued yesterday, the transfer of 186 chimpanzees who are at Alamogordo Primate Facility (APF) will be delayed. These chimpanzees are already retired, but would be used again in researches. Due to society pressure all over the world, NIH, which
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posted in 05 Jan 2011
Sanctuary wins award
SAVE THE CHIMPS SANCTUARY Dr. Theodora Capaldo and Dr. Jarrod Bailey, representing NEAVS (New England Antivivisection Society), and Gloria Grow, founder and director of Fauna Foundation visited last November and gave to the directors of Save the Chimps Sanctuary, in Florida – the largest chimpanzees’ sanctuary of the world,
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posted in 04 Jan 2011
China closes zoos, parks and circuses
After an inspection in more than 500 zoos, parks and circuses, Chinese Government closed seven facilities, and considers closing other 53 in case they do not fulfill the authorities’ determinations immediately. Denounces received from several locations showed a scenery of huge animal mistreating at the facilities, especially in the zoos. Last
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posted in 29 Dec 2010
Jane Goodall: “Feelings are not a monopoly of human kind”
EUROPEAN COMMUNITY In the end of November, in front of an audience of 340 children and teenagers of 27 different nationalities at the city of Brussels, in Belgian, primatologist Jane Goodall left her message of hope and warning to the world youth: the planet must be preserved and the animals, respected, with
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posted in 28 Dec 2010
Baboon family leaves zoo to a sanctuary
LEBANON SIGNS CITES The rescue of chimpanzee Omega, broadcasted worldwide as long as he was a smoker and worked for years as a “waiter” in a Lebanese restaurant, opened the way to other primates find their destiny of peace and calmness. While Omega is changing his miserable life
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posted in 28 Dec 2010
Story of chimpanzee Jimmy
How is the life of the chimpanzee who became a painter and is subject of a judicial battle to leave a zoo in Niterói city and go to a sanctuary in São Paulo By Silvia Rogar Just like Picasso, Jimmy had his blue phase. But the
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posted in 28 Dec 2010
25th anniversary of Dian Fossey’s death
GAP PROJECT TRIBUTE Last December 27 was the 25th anniversary of Dian Fossey murdered, at Virunga Mountains, in Rwanda, committed by hunters of gorillas, animals she used to protect. In 1967 – reminds GAP Project Spain – Dian Fossey created Karisoke Investigation Center, at Rwanda Mountains, and showed to the world the
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posted in 21 Dec 2010
Rufus loses one arm but does not surrender
SAVE THE CHIMPS SANCTUARY It there is a chimpanzee who is symbol of suffering in medical torture laboratories of United States, maybe Rufus is the one. Primatologist Carole Noon found him in a place she called “dungeon”, alone and abandoned, when she assumed the control of the labs
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posted in 17 Dec 2010
Taking care: Article at Ark and Tent Magazine
Article about GAP Project published at Ark and Tent Travel Magazine, an on-line magazine devoted to uniting people and animals through travel.The article can also be read at TAKING CARE Great Ape Protection: An Organization Strives to Save Our Closest Cousins By Jeannine
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posted in 17 Dec 2010
Habeas Corpus of chimpanzee Jimmy: decision is postponed
The decision about the Habeas Corpus of chimpanzee Jimmy, who lives isolated for years in a Cage at Niterói city zoo (Rio de Janeiro), was previewed to happen last December 16, but was postponed to January because of the members of the Tribunal asked to analyze the process more
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posted in 16 Dec 2010
Omega leaves quarantine
THE SMOKING CHIMP Last December 14 the quarantine of chimpanzee Omega, known worldwide for being a smoker, came to an end. He arrived at the Sanctuary managed by Anami Institute, in Paraná – one of the sanctuaries affiliated to GAP Project – one month ago from Lebanon, where he lived
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posted in 15 Dec 2010
Monkeys free from radiation
NASA CHANGED ITS PLANS NGO PETA, celebrities like Paul McCartney, Bob Barker, Alicia Silverstone, members of North-American Congress and even a North-American astronaut pressured NASA – apart from 100 thousand letters, telephone calls and e-mails – and made it change its plans and call off an absurd experiment: to submit dozens
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posted in 14 Dec 2010
Chimpanzees recounted by a former hunter
By Serge K. Soiret, GAP correspondent in West Africa, from Ivory Coast Gnonsio Denis, 79 years old, is Guéré, an ethnic group located in the West of Ivory Coast. He left his village in 1966 to settle in the forest region, specifically at Southwest of the Taï Park
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posted in 14 Dec 2010
Portugal: Imprisoned bears are taken to zoo
A few weeks ago we received one denounce from Portugal of three bears that were living for five years in a Cage after being abandoned by a broke circus in the countryside of Portugal. They lived due to the public charity. Last week good news came from Lisbon: the bears
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