posted in 23 Feb 2011
Gorillas in zoos suffer from human diseases
EARLY DEATHA concern is being spread in medical departments of North-American zoos. Gorillas are facing early and suddenly deaths at the zoos, caused by powerful heart attacks.Biology Department of Case Western Reserve University is studying the relation of the deaths, the feeding and the lack of activities of the
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posted in 16 Feb 2011
No more animal exploitation
A decade ago we had the displeasure to visit Anderson Institute, in Bastrop, Texas, where several Rhesus monkeys are tortured for the development of remedies to cure human diseases. We went there thinking we would learn about administration and management of great primates, because 75 chimpanzees lived there – some still
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posted in 09 Feb 2011
Brigitte Bardot Foundation features Omega’s rescue
Brigitte Bardot Foundation is one of the most active organizations of the world that work for the defense of animals. It has a quarterly magazine and in the last edition of 2010 it features the rescue of chimpanzee Omega, promoted by Anami Institute, GAP Project and NGO Animals Lebanon. To read
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posted in 09 Feb 2011
After death of trainer, Sea World dismisses employees in USA
Last December, Sea World, which operates 10 aquatic parks where are promoted shows with dolphins and whales, announced the reduction of its team and the dismissal of 350 employees of three Sea World parks in Orlando. Sea World parks face a credibility crisis after the death of one of its most experienced
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posted in 09 Feb 2011
PASA 2011: Management Workshop in Europe
PASA – Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance promotes every year a Work Meeting about sanctuaries’ management, where the participants discuss subjects such as illegal trade, crisis response, reintroduction, strategic partnerships, volunteer coordination, and long-term planning. These workshops are usually held in Africa, but every two years the idea is to
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posted in 03 Feb 2011
Featuring Jaybee
Birthdate, birthplace, and parents ... Unknown but I’m probably about 37 years oldBefore Save the Chimps rescued me I was … living at The Coulston Foundation, a research lab. But before that, I had spent most of my life alone in a 5’x5’x71 cage suspended off the
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posted in 03 Feb 2011
Gorilla J.J. in the wrong place
This extraordinary being named J.J., according to Miami Zoo, lives with others of his species in a 200 square meters area. He is exhibited to the public for more than eight hours a day, week after week, month after month, for years. We visited him one year ago and at
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posted in 03 Feb 2011
Wild Animals are not pets
BOA KILLS BABY   North-American society wakes up a little more every year about cases of wild animals that live in family houses and end up causing serious accidents, sometimes fatal. United States has a extremely liberal legislation about the ownership of wild animals by population and, due to the
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posted in 03 Feb 2011
Save the Chimps: Renew your membership for 2011
"For many people, a new year means new resolutions. We pledge to go to the gym… eat better… quit smoking… or embark on some other project to better ourselves. Despite our best intentions, our New Year’s resolutions don’t always work out. Whether
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posted in 01 Feb 2011
Ham: 50 years since the first space flight
HE DIED IGNORED BY EVERYONE Ham, most known as number 65 of North-American Air Force, was pulled out of his mother chest at Cameroon Republic some moment in 1959, when he was less than two years old. He was then sent by poachers to Miami Rare Bird Farm. The Air Force bought
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posted in 28 Jan 2011
Kanzi’s new role: Father of Teco
GREAT APE TRUST SANCTUARY Kanzi is the most famous bonobo of the world. His name and his photo have been being featured in a lot of scientific articles and his image has been broadcasted in several TV channels.   Now Kanzi plays his role of father, with his son Teco.
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posted in 27 Jan 2011
For the ban of the entrance of chimp trainer Steve Martin in Spain
GAP SPAIN ASKS FOR AUTHORITIES The TV Channel Antena 3, from Spain, hired a primate and animals trainer, North-American Steve Martin, to participate of a prize show in the country. According to GAP Spain, Steve Martin has a long history of mistreating against the animals he trains, and that he tortures
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posted in 20 Jan 2011
Lions in Bolivia are ready to be taken to US
At least 25 lions that were rescued from circuses in Bolivia wait at the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra for the transfer to a natural reserve at Colorado, United States, informed yesterday newspaper “El Deber”. The operation, called “Lion Ark”, will be concluded as soon
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posted in 20 Jan 2011
China bans circuses with animals and zoos
Victory: China has banned animal circuses and warned its zoos they must stop abusing animals or face closure. Published at Daily Telegraph - January 18, 2011 Live animal shows and circuses are hugely popular in China, and draw around 150 million visitors a year at 700 zoos. However, animal rights campaigners have repeatedly complained
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posted in 19 Jan 2011
Born to be killed
LACK OF RESPECT WITH BIODIVERSITY “There are breeders that put the animals to sleep with ether. I confess I do not have the time because my slaughter reaches 200 in a day. I grab the chinchilla by its tail and put it upside down. Then I get its little neck
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