posted in 05 May 2011
The reunion of mothers with their children
CENTER FOR GREAT APES SANCTUARY Center for Great Apes Sanctuary, in Wauchula, Florida, is launching a campaign to “Human Mothers’ Day”. The sanctuary is asking everyone who support the work to donate any value in order to contribute with the maintenance of the group of mothers chimpanzees
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posted in 05 May 2011
Adopt an adopted mother
SAVE THE CHIMPS SANCTUARYTo pay tribute to Humans Mothers` Day, Save the Chimps, Florida, is launching a campaign for the adoption of a adopted chimpanzee mother, for donations that contribute for their maintenance in the next months. Contributors will receive a photo of the chimpanzee, an adoption certificate, a biography
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posted in 04 May 2011
Support the campaign with North-American Congress members
R&R Project The Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act (H.R.1513/S.810) has been re-introduced in the 112th Congress! The bill has the leadership of Representative Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) as well as 42 cosponsors already signed on in the U.S. House and Senators Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Susan
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posted in 04 May 2011
Another 11 chimpanzees arrive at Save the Chimps
SAVE THE CHIMPS SANCTUARY They must be already together with their partners who arrived first on April. The remaining ones of the group called Seve arrived this weekend in Florida and last Sunday were put together with the rest of the group, who were already waiting for them. Each trip/
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posted in 04 May 2011
One million dolars reached!
SAVE THE CHIMPS SANCTUARY Arcus Foundation, which generously support Save the Chimps Sanctuary, in Florida – the biggest great primates sanctuary in the world, hosting more than 300 animals – is committed with the direction of the sanctuary to collaborate with one dollar for each dollar raised during a year, until
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posted in 03 May 2011
A fearful moment
SOROCABA SANCTUARY – May, 2, 2011 Since he arrived he hated me. Charles came from a zoo in Ribeirão Preto, countryside of São Paulo, and used to self-mutilate his arms especially during the times of more visitation and public harassment. He is very strong, large, kind with ones
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posted in 27 Apr 2011
Update about the case Jimmy
The case of the Habeas Corpus to free chimpanzee Jimmy of his prison, a private zoo in Niterói city, state of Rio de Janeiro – he did not committed any crime – had a huge repercussion in Brazilian press. Justice Court of Rio de Janeiro denied the Habeas
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posted in 17 Apr 2011
The UK’s Remaining Wild Animals in Circuses Need You!
In spite of being one of the most developed of the world, United Kingdom is a country that still allows circuses with animals. For several years local and international activists fight and promote campaigns for the approval of a Law to ban definitely the use of animals in these kind
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posted in 13 Apr 2011
Tailand: one more tragedy at a zoo
SEVERAL DEAD ANIMALSAt this time it happened in Bangkok, Tailand, in a zoo called Talad. With no evacuation plan, when the floods got into the zoo on April 7th the effort of the keepers to save the animals had no result.100 birds, 50 snakes, 5 crocodiles and one deer died in the
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posted in 07 Apr 2011
GAP Project Spain participates of debates
PARIS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITYNext April 28, Executive Director of GAP Spain, Pedro Pozas Terrados, will participate at Paris International University of a series of conferences and debates about the future of the fight for the rights of great primates and the protection of their habitat. The representative of Jane Goodall Institute in
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posted in 07 Apr 2011
Spain Supreme Court recognizes debate of great apes rights
GAP SPAINGAP Project Spain and other organizations are evolved in the fight for the preservation of a place known by “Yellow House”, at Canarian Islands, where the first noninvasive experiments to know the intelligence and learning abilities of great apes took place.The idea is to preserve the
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posted in 31 Mar 2011
Birthdays and activities
CENTER FOR GREAT APES SANCTUARY The sanctuary located at Wauchula, Florida, which host orangutans and chimpanzees (the majority coming from entertainment industry and from Hollywood), developed its activities on March dedicated to celebrate the birthdays of the month: Roger (32), Bona (25), Bubbles, Michael Jackson’s chimpanzee (26), Oopsie (37) and Sam (43). The
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posted in 31 Mar 2011
Knut’s death: a fake star
“He used to be the star of Berlin Zoo”. With this declaration, Berlin’s mayor, Klaus Wowereit, put an end in one more chapter of the history of zoos as entertainment center for humans – instead of serving biodiversity and becoming conservation and recuperation centers of threatened
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posted in 30 Mar 2011
The 12 chimpanzees rescued in Texas
SAVE THE CHIMPS SANCTUARY The activities of Save the Chimps Sanctuary this March have been intense. The truck of the migrations, where the chimpanzees are transported and have, each one, a window to see the world during the trip, travelled hundreds of miles rescuing chimpanzees and taking them to the
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posted in 29 Mar 2011
Who are to be blame?
FROM FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA MARCH 24, 2011Slowly one by one, eleven chimpanzees who had arrived at Florida after a long a lomg trip from New Mexico (a lot of them getting in touch with the external world for the first time) get out their bedroom and dining hall to the island
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