posted in 07 Apr 2011
Spain Supreme Court recognizes debate of great apes rights
GAP SPAINGAP Project Spain and other organizations are evolved in the fight for the preservation of a place known by “Yellow House”, at Canarian Islands, where the first noninvasive experiments to know the intelligence and learning abilities of great apes took place.The idea is to preserve the
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posted in 31 Mar 2011
Birthdays and activities
CENTER FOR GREAT APES SANCTUARY The sanctuary located at Wauchula, Florida, which host orangutans and chimpanzees (the majority coming from entertainment industry and from Hollywood), developed its activities on March dedicated to celebrate the birthdays of the month: Roger (32), Bona (25), Bubbles, Michael Jackson’s chimpanzee (26), Oopsie (37) and Sam (43). The
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posted in 31 Mar 2011
Knut’s death: a fake star
“He used to be the star of Berlin Zoo”. With this declaration, Berlin’s mayor, Klaus Wowereit, put an end in one more chapter of the history of zoos as entertainment center for humans – instead of serving biodiversity and becoming conservation and recuperation centers of threatened
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posted in 30 Mar 2011
The 12 chimpanzees rescued in Texas
SAVE THE CHIMPS SANCTUARY The activities of Save the Chimps Sanctuary this March have been intense. The truck of the migrations, where the chimpanzees are transported and have, each one, a window to see the world during the trip, travelled hundreds of miles rescuing chimpanzees and taking them to the
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posted in 29 Mar 2011
Who are to be blame?
FROM FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA MARCH 24, 2011Slowly one by one, eleven chimpanzees who had arrived at Florida after a long a lomg trip from New Mexico (a lot of them getting in touch with the external world for the first time) get out their bedroom and dining hall to the island
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posted in 21 Mar 2011
92000 Chinese signatures in a week
TORTURED BEARS Around 10 to 13 thousand bears are still imprisoned in metal cages, with catheters implanted in their gallbladder or with holes in their chests to get out bile to be converted in medicines.   Twenty out of 31 Chinese provinces already disapprove this torture against bears and forbid this criminal practice.
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posted in 21 Mar 2011
The drama of African sanctuaries
PASA IN NUMBERS The creation of African sanctuaries is not long past – less than 20 years – and their numbers increased with the creation of PASA – Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance, which coordinates them for a little bit more than 10 years. In 20 sanctuaries affiliated to the alliance, more than one
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posted in 16 Mar 2011
Jimmy: trial about the Habeas Corpus will take place on April
According to the latest report of Magistrate José Muiños Piñeiro Filho, relater of the Habeas Corpus act to free chimpanzee Jimmy of his unfair and lonely prision at Niterói zoo, the date defined by Rio de Janeiro Justice Tribunal for the trial is
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posted in 09 Mar 2011
China: support the ban of bears’ torture
SIGN THE PETITION In China there are farms where bears are put in cages and a tube is implanted in their gallbladder to permanent extraction of bile, which later is processed and converted in medicine. These bears suffer from terrible pain and die in less than five years of infections
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posted in 09 Mar 2011
Bear and chimpanzee confiscated in Brazilian circus are already at GAP Sanctuary
SOROCABA SANCTUARYLast March 2nd, Brazilian Natural Resources Institute (Ibama, in Portuguese) confiscated from a circus in Minas Gerais state a North-American black bear and a chimpanzee. A person of the neighborhood where the circus was settled made a denunciation to the institute that the animals were being mistreated.After the
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posted in 02 Mar 2011
Mountain gorillas are threatened
PROTEST AND SUPPORT THE CAMPAIGN! Virunga National Park, at Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), is one of the oldest and better care parks of Africa. It is a refugee of protected species, among them 700 species of birds and 200 of mammals. One of these species is the mountain gorillas, the only
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posted in 23 Feb 2011
Bolivia: 25 lions fly to new life in USA
CIRCUSES WITHOUT ANIMALS In an operation coordinated by NGO Animal Defenders International (ADI) last February 16, called Lion Ark, 25 lions that were confiscated by Bolivian Government - which has recently approved a law that prohibits circuses with animals in the country - flew to United States , where a 320 thousand square meters
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posted in 23 Feb 2011
China: 400 bears are tortured
SPEAK OUT AGAINST IT! Chinese organizations and people are promoting protests all over the country as it has never been done before. The purpose is to avoid that a company that extracts, process and sell the bile of black bears kept in captivity continue to increase this criminal operation. The
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posted in 23 Feb 2011
Deep into the Congolese jungle
GORILLA SANCTUARY The communication is not easy with the area chosen, deep into the east jungle of Congo. An ONU Peace Force helicopter took the first four gorillas on April 2010 and other, a seven-month baby, went afterwards. The group of 30 gorillas which will be able to be hosted by sanctuary
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posted in 23 Feb 2011
Billy discovers an extinct friend
CHIMFUNSHI SANCTUARYChimfunshi Sanctuary, in Zambia, is the largest sanctuary of chimpanzees in Africa. The history of the sanctuary and of family Siddle, which founded and manages it, is also linked to the history of hippo baby called Billy (they thought it was a female and put this name wrongly).Billy,
Residents' Stories Billy
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