posted in 14 Sep 2011
Spanish zoos accused of negligence
GAP PROJECT SPAIN A communication by GAP Project Spain accuses several zoos of the country for negligence and abandonment of the animals. Specifically, the communication alerts Spanish authorities about the case of Oasis Del Valle Zoo and the ranch of Loro Park, because there is also evidence that some valued
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posted in 09 Sep 2011
Is it possible that chimpanzees talk?
Yes, we can affirm this. In the same way that we explain to everyone who question us: why would not be possible that living beings with a quite similar DNA, a developed brain, human anatomy and body physiology and a blood system suitable with ours one day will be able
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posted in 06 Sep 2011
PASA transfers to Uganda four chimpanzee babies
The Pan African Sanctuary Alliance (PASA) threaded political unrest in Southern Sudan to rescue four infant chimpanzees and transfer them to a sanctuary in Uganda. The four orphans were transferred from a makeshift site amidst Southern Sudan’s declaration of independence to the Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary, which is
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posted in 25 Aug 2011
Open letter to Aspinall Foundation about the transference of gorillas to a Brazilian zoo
“Why? For what?” The mission of John Aspinall Foundation, from England, is reproduced below: “Our objectives are: To halt the extinction of rare and endangered species in the wild To continue to provide the most natural environment possible for the animals in both parks To re-introduce these
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posted in 22 Aug 2011
Stop Using Chimps as Guinea Pigs
  By Roscoe Bartlett , published on New York Times on August 12, 2011* BEFORE I was elected to Congress, I was a physiologist at the Navy’s School of Aviation Medicine. For our successful missions to transport men to the moon and return them safely to Earth, I invented a series of respiratory
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posted in 18 Aug 2011
Nuri: the cry of silence
SAVE THE CHIMPS SANCTUARY Nuri’s use in the breeding program stopped in 1994, and as far as we know, she spent the next several years in isolation. When Nuri was rescued in 2002, she was living alone in "The Dungeon." Her knees were permanently bent, a condition never
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posted in 18 Aug 2011
Marc’s group arrives before tropical storm Emily
SAVE THE CHIMPS SANCTUARY Marc, Late, Kaleb, Tina, Kayla, and Katina departed for Florida on August 4, 2011 after STC staff spent an anxious 24 hours monitoring Tropical Storm Emily, which was predicted to possibly be hitting Florida at the same time as the chimps’ scheduled arrival.  Everyone in the sanctuary
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posted in 10 Aug 2011
Support PASA
Despite international bans on hunting chimpanzees, gorillas and bonobos, the illegal trade in these endangered primates continues with devastating effect in Africa.   Every day, the Pan African Sanctuary Alliance – PASA works to save the lives and the future of gorillas and chimpanzees, bonobos, drills and more, in 12 countries
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posted in 10 Aug 2011
What did they do to Jimmy?
THE DESTRUCTION OF ONE’S MIND We are alone: Sofia, Samantha, Jimmy and I. Sofia runs from one side to the other, jumps on the fence, teases Jimmy and when he tries to get her, she runs away. Jimmy follows her and we are already for one hour in
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posted in 09 Aug 2011
USA: Physicians urge for the end of chimpanzee experiments
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), from United States, has launched a campaign urging the Congress to support the Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act (H. R. 1513/ S.810). The group defends the end of the use of chimpanzees in labs and points the reasons to approve the law proposal:
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posted in 09 Aug 2011
An example of compassion
SAVE THE CHIMPS SANCTUARY Those who think there is no hope for the world due to the lack of compassion and violence committed by humans against animals, the environment and their own brothers can breath in and see that all is not lost. There is still generosity in the heart
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posted in 01 Aug 2011
A country for chimpanzees
  It can be considered a dream, or an irrational idea, or a demagogic proposal. But it is a riveting idea and maybe a sign of solution to save a species which is threatened to extinction if something radical is not done in the next two decades.   The authors
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posted in 31 Jul 2011
USA: Environmental organizations ask for the ban of the use of chimpanzees in labs
North-American activists are pressuring the government of the country to intercede in the public research institutes for the ban of the use of chimpanzees in lab tests, according to an article published last week in scientific magazine “Nature”. The organizations sent to the Congress a law proposal to
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posted in 27 Jul 2011
Two chimpanzees die at Abdijan Zoo
IVORY COASTA report sent by Serge Soiret, representative of GAP Project in Ivory Coast, informs that two chimpanzees of a 12 members group that used to live in the zoo of the capital, Abidjan, starved to death in the last few weeks due to the civil war that destroyed the country
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posted in 26 Jul 2011
Peru bans circuses with animals
SECOND COUNTRY IN LATIN AMERICA  Following the example of Bolivia of one year ago, Peru Government has just approved a national law that forbids circuses with animals in the country. President Alan Garcia signed the law approved by the Congress. We hope that Brazilian Congress, which has a similar
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