posted in 02 Feb 2012
Brazilian air company TAM is denounced for transport of animals to medical experimentation
TRANSPORT OF CAPUCHIN MONKEYS TO USAEnglish organization BUAV (British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection), which inspects several airline companies that accept to transport animals to different locations under bad conditions, denounced Brazilian company TAM last January 30, for the transportation of capuchin monkeys to Nebraska University, in United States.Probably
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posted in 01 Feb 2012
50 thousand signatures claiming to USA Government to protect chimpanzees
The same organizations that intimated US Fish and Wildlife Service to change, definitely, the conservation status of chimpanzees in United States insist again on a position, because the Government had given the date of January 30 to give a final answer and nothing was decided.This time the arguments were sent
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posted in 24 Jan 2012
Adoption of orphan chimpanzees in the wild
By Serge K. Soiret, GAP correspondent in West Africa, from Ivory Coast In chimpanzees’ lives, the adoption of an orphan child is a usual practice. The child is adopted by a dominant female or male dominant in case the real mother is dead. Walking in the forest, the mother
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posted in 28 Dec 2011
Chimpanzee Said to Be Cheetah in Tarzan Films Has Died
By DAVE ITZKOFF (New York Times)An animal sanctuary in Florida has announced the death of a chimpanzee it says was Cheetah, one of the most famous animal stars of the 1930s, who appeared with Johnny Weissmuller in Depression-era adventure films like “Tarzan the Ape Man” and “
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posted in 27 Dec 2011
Jimmy is not alone anymore
Some people say that magical things happen in Christmas time. After four months of unsuccessful attempts, Jimmy left his loneliness behind in Christmas Eve. He accepted the companionship of a young female chimpanzee, who has been was close to him since he arrived at GAP Sanctuary of Sorocaba in July.
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posted in 17 Dec 2011
U.S. will not finance new research involving chimps
By JAMES GORMAN, NY Times, December 16, 2011 The National Institutes of Health on Thursday suspended all new grants for biomedical and behavioral research on chimpanzees and accepted the first uniform criteria for assessing the necessity of such research. Those guidelines require that the research be necessary for human health, and that
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posted in 16 Dec 2011
Medical specialists conclude that chimpanzees are not necessary in research
NEAVS, New England, USA: The National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine (IOM) released on December 15th results of their nine-month long study, called for by the NIH, to investigate the current and future need for chimpanzees in research. The IOM concluded that ‘…most current biomedical research
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posted in 14 Dec 2011
CNN features Great Chimpanzee Migration
Today, the last 10 chimpanzees from former Coulston Foundation, in New Mexico, will arrive at Save the Chimps Sanctuary, to live a long life with no medical exploitaton. CNN covered the entire trip of the 300 chimpanzees and will feature the story today.More information: Article on Alamogordo Daily News about the
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posted in 06 Dec 2011
The doors of horror are closed
Former Coulston Foundation can be considered to be the worst one in terms of a chimpanzee torture center marked by abuse, violence and lack of moral and ethics in United States. The doors of this place are being definitely closed this December. The final 10 chimpanzees living at Save the Chimps
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posted in 01 Dec 2011
Ringling Slapped With Largest Penalty in Circus History
Feld Entertainment, the parent company of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, must now pay the largest settlement of its kind in U.S. history?$270,000?for violations of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) dating back to 2007. PETA has been after the USDA all this time to take action against
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posted in 01 Dec 2011
Why animals should not be used in labs
Founded in 1895, NEAVS, the New England Anti-Vivisection Society, one of the most respected national organizations working on behalf of animals in labs, today announced the launch of their new interactive website that delivers the scientific facts and humane ethics to end animal use in research, testing and education. Dr. Theodora
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posted in 21 Nov 2011
Chimps’ Days in Labs May Be Dwindling James GormanNEW IBERIA, La. — In a dome-shaped outdoor cage, a dozen chimpanzees are hooting. The hair on their shoulders sticks straight up. “That’s piloerection,” a sign of emotional
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posted in 10 Nov 2011
The time of the chimpanzees – part 2
Benefits Eugene Schiff, director of Hepatic Diseases Research Center of Florida University, one of the institutions that use data of invasive research with chimpanzees, disagrees. According to him, the ethical dilemma is not only of biologists, but of everyone who had already used and benefit of drugs tested in chimpanzees. &
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posted in 07 Nov 2011
The time of the chimpanzees – part 1
  The freedom of our primates’ brothers is near By Rafael Garcia and Reinaldo José Lopes (published at Folha de São Paulo newspaper on November 6th 2011) The impression we have when we enter in the laboratories of Bioqual, clinical Research Company in Rockville, Maryland, USA, is
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posted in 03 Nov 2011
In memory of one million deaths
It was not a war, or a climate tragedy. Is was simply the result of a predatory action of Homo sapiens against another Homo, the troglodytes – originally classified this way by the father of scientific terminology. In the last 50 years, a million chimpanzees died too early all over
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