posted in 17 Apr 2012
Being a prisoner
Next April 18 will it will complete 51 years of the first night I had to sleep on the cold floor of a prison. I was 21. The prison was the Cabaña Fortress in Havana, Cuba, which was then ruled by a sinister character: Ernesto "Che" Guevara. That night,
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posted in 10 Apr 2012
Chimpanzees have no geographic boundaries
INTEGRATION IN PARANÁ SANCTUARYOmega was born in Africa and when he was a baby was taken to Lebanon, where he worked in a bar, serving water to hookah. When he became a teenager, was locked in a cage in a lost zoo at a village in the countryside. Omega
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posted in 28 Mar 2012
Jimmy wins a family
SOROCABA SANCTUARY For more than six months we have worked every day at the Sanctuary to approximate Jimmy with other chimpanzees. First with Samantha, and then with her two daughters, Sofia, three years old, and Sara, two. First of all, we should know the character of Jimmy, his mental disorders
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posted in 22 Mar 2012
Republic of Congo: the last primitive chimpanzees
Chimpanzees in the wild in Africa, for the most part, already had contact with humans and in some areas they live with them in a delicate balance, which can quickly disappear. There is an area in the Republic of Congo, called Triangle Goualougo, with approximately 150,000 hectares, where chimps, gorillas and
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posted in 16 Mar 2012
Citizen Diana, a true story
Diana was a chimpanzee who lived with humans as part of a family for 16 years. Andres, a human child of same age, was raised together with her. They shared their games, adventures, desires and anxieties. The human society ended up locking her in a zoo and did not allow her
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posted in 12 Mar 2012
Project GAP supports the book: Legal Personality of the Great Apes
São Paulo, Brazil: non-human beings are not commodities, but holders of subjective rights. In general this is the main argument advocated and demonstrated by Alfredo Domingues Migliore in the book "Legal Personality of the Great Apes." The book is the result of years of study and
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posted in 09 Mar 2012
Humans, gorillas more alike than previously thought, say scientists
By Nora Doyle-Burr, Christian Science Monitor, March 9, 2012Chimpanzees are humans nearest genetic relatives, but gorillas come in at a close second, according to a recent study. For the first time, scientists have successfully sequenced the genome of a gorilla. The research team, led by the Wellcome Trust Sanger
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posted in 08 Mar 2012
Id Amin: a predictable death
Belo Horizonte Zoo Months ago we had criticized the initiative of the Belo Horizonte Zoo to import two young gorillas, born in a zoo from John Aspinall Foundation, in England - at a cost of over half a million dollars to put them together with a gorilla who had no
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posted in 08 Mar 2012
The Kingdom of Alejandra
It is difficult to understand how the howler monkeys, very common in our Atlantic Forest, reach so far in the south, in the hills of Cordoba, Argentina. But the Primate Center, located just over 100 km from the city of Cordoba, is home for 11 groups of howler monkeys Alouatta caraya,
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posted in 29 Feb 2012
Hulk is waiting for corneal transplant
SOROCABA SANCTUARYOn February 25, a multidisciplinary team coordinated by Dr. Michael Vaudano, Assistant Coordinator of the GAP Project for Latin America, was assembled to examine chimpanzee Hulk, after more than two years of the recovery of one of his eyes’ vision.The same team of the first operation, conducted by
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posted in 15 Feb 2012
Chimpanzees from Israel are about to be liberated to continue the trip to Brazilian sanctuary
February, 15, 2012 – São Paulo:After a long trip which began in Israel, chimpanzees Judy and Gena (10 and 20 years old) arrived today early in the morning to São Paulo International Airport. They were accompanied by an Israeli veterinarian. At this moment the team that will conduct the
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posted in 15 Feb 2012
Judge dismisses PETA´s case against Seaworld
The Nonhuman Rights Project today issued the following press release: Feb 8th, 2012: Seventy-two hours after hearing oral argument on SeaWorld’s Motion to Dismiss PETA’s case, the Federal Court in San Diego dismissed PETA’s claims that the plaintiff orcas were enslaved within the meaning of
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posted in 14 Feb 2012
Chimpanzees from Israel are in their way to GAP Brazilian affiliated sanctuary
February, 14, 2012 – São Paulo: After months of negotiation between Brazilian and Israeli organizations, female chimpanzees Judy and Gena finally left Israel and arrive in Brazil tomorrow morning, where they will live at GAP Brazilian affiliated sanctuary of Paraná, sponsored by Anami Conservationist Institute. Judy and Gena live
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posted in 09 Feb 2012
Historic Day for SeaWorld Orcas in Court
It was a landmark day in the U.S. District Court in San Diego today. For the first time ever, a federal court is considering whether or not the 13th Amendment, which prohibits slavery, applies to five orcas—Tilikum, Katina, Kasatka, Ulises and Corky—who are now incarcerated
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posted in 09 Feb 2012
Historic Day for SeaWorld Orcas in Court
It was a landmark day in the U.S. District Court in San Diego today. For the first time ever, a federal court is considering whether or not the 13th Amendment, which prohibits slavery, applies to five orcas—Tilikum, Katina, Kasatka, Ulises and Corky—who are now incarcerated
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