Judge forbids trainers to swim with whales in Seaworld
Since the death of trainer Dawn Brancheau by whale Tilikum in Seaworld Park, a controversy has been raised about the safety of the work that these aquatic animals trainers have. After the accident, the interaction of the trainers with the whales in the water was banned. But the show as
Gorilla Youngsters Seen Dismantling Poachers Traps
by Ker Thanfor National Geographic News Just days after a poacher's snare had killed one of their own, two youngmountain gorillas worked together Tuesday to find and destroy traps in theirRwandan forest home, according to conservationists on the scene. "This is absolutely the first time that we've
The situation for 200 gorillas who still resist in a park in Congo is getting worse By Vilma Gryzinski, for Veja Magazine (July 25, 2012) Since Congo is probably the worst place on earth for humans to live, imagine for a few mountain gorillas that remain in the wild. Totally, there are about 700
By Dr. Pedro Ynterian, President, GAP Project International Forty years ago, U.S. Air Force devised a top secret project called X. The project was assembled at Air Force Base in Lockridge, Florida, in a Research Centre of Strategic Arms. At that time U.S. military wanted to know
Every week there is news from several cities in the world about a zoo being evacuated due to the runaway of great apes or other animals considered to be dangerous. The latest news came from Hannover, an old and traditional zoo, which had a runaway of five chimpanzees. Using
It was a day like any other on October 2010 that was stating at Great Apes Sanctuary of Sorocaba, affiliated to GAP Project, when dozens of men in uniform and armed with trained dogs forced their entrance through the gates of the sanctuary, in a surprise action with unusual rigor. The
The fact that we had already reported and the hypothesis that environmentalist Heleno Maia had raised has been proved now with the report of the autopsy: the only existing gorilla in a zoo in South America, who was unwisely placed with two young females, having been ill, died in anesthesia,
After 30 years torturing chimps and other primates, the lab called BIOQUAL, in Rockville, Maryland, put an end in its experiments with chimpanzees after a complaint and an investigation that started months ago on account of violation of AWA (Animal Well Treatment Act). At the laboratory, more than a dozen
Last Thursday, June 23, a serious incident took place at the Sanctuary called Eden, near the town of Nelspruit, 300 km from Johannesburg, South Africa. The Sanctuary operates as a franchise of Jane Goodall Institute. A man was pulled down an electric fence by a group of chimpanzees when he was
SOROCABA SANCTUARYJimmy knows the engine of my car and waits for me. At this hour of the afternoon, I usually visit him and take some treat; and at this day I was not alone. He does not see the person, but his voice is familiar. The terrible comes back to
Last Tuesday, June 26, an alpha male of a group of chimpanzees at Los Angeles Zoo killed a three-month old baby, in front of the visitors.As always the zoo blames those who should not be blamed for this accident. It mentions the aggressiveness of male chimpanzees with babies who are
Saturday, June 16, was a hard day in the sanctuary, because of the sudden death of Junior and the consequent loneliness of his friend Jango, who has not accepted yet the unexpected disappearance of his enclosure partner. Last Saturday, 23, a week later, the day was highlighted by the arrival of
In 2001 I became aware of one sanctuary that was trying to provide a good home for five unwanted apes. While sanctuaries are not uncommon, this one, while small, seemed different. I was fortunate to be able to spend a month at the Center for Great Apes, located in Wauchula, Florida,
Coltan mines have killed the majority of elephants and gorillas in Congo
Socioenvironmental Exploitation By Fernando Robson de Souza (ANDA news) The mines of columbite and tantalite, which result in coltan, wiped out the majority of the population of gorillas and elephants in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Its production involves, besides the killing of animals, deeply human and environmental exploitation. Coltan
Charles is one of the largest chimpanzees we host in GAP Sorocaba Sanctuary. He came from Ribeirão Preto Zoo voluntarily, because the zoo considered that submitting him to public exhibition could end in tragedy. Charles mutilated himself, especially in times of school holidays and weekends, when the volume