posted in 28 Jun 2012
Death in LA: incompetence of a zoo
Last Tuesday, June 26, an alpha male of a group of chimpanzees at Los Angeles Zoo killed a three-month old baby, in front of the visitors.As always the zoo blames those who should not be blamed for this accident. It mentions the aggressiveness of male chimpanzees with babies who are
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posted in 27 Jun 2012
Cecilia has just born and is already an aunt
 Saturday, June 16, was a hard day in the sanctuary, because of the sudden death of Junior and the consequent loneliness of his friend Jango, who has not accepted yet the unexpected disappearance of his enclosure partner. Last Saturday, 23, a week later, the day was highlighted by the arrival of
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posted in 25 Jun 2012
The Center for Great Apes
In 2001 I became aware of one sanctuary that was trying to provide a good home for five unwanted apes. While sanctuaries are not uncommon, this one, while small, seemed different. I was fortunate to be able to spend a month at the Center for Great Apes, located in Wauchula, Florida,
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posted in 21 Jun 2012
Coltan mines have killed the majority of elephants and gorillas in Congo
Socioenvironmental Exploitation By Fernando Robson de Souza (ANDA news) The mines of columbite and tantalite, which result in coltan, wiped out the majority of the population of gorillas and elephants in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Its production involves, besides the killing of animals, deeply human and environmental exploitation. Coltan
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posted in 20 Jun 2012
Charles has company
Charles is one of the largest chimpanzees we host in GAP Sorocaba Sanctuary. He came from Ribeirão Preto Zoo voluntarily, because the zoo considered that submitting him to public exhibition could end in tragedy. Charles mutilated himself, especially in times of school holidays and weekends, when the volume
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posted in 14 Jun 2012
Chimpanzees, bonobos and sapiens
A study to be published this weekend in Nature magazine proves that the difference between chimpanzees, bonobos and sapiens (men) are practically nonexistent. Moreover, the difference between bonobos and chimpanzees can reach 0.4%, which is practically negligible. The difference between chimpanzees, bonobos and sapiens can reach 1.3%. If we consider that between
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posted in 12 Jun 2012
The soup has cooled…
 Every morning at 9:30am on the days I am in the sanctuary, I put three bottles of hot soup in the window of the enclosure of chimpanzees Jango and Junior. Then I give two bottles for Billy and enter the open air enclosure of Luke and deliver the last
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posted in 06 Jun 2012
Doctoral Programme of Law and Animals at University of Basel
Call for Applications: “Law and Animals: Ethics at Crossroads” – Doctoral Programme at the Law School of the University of Basel, 2012-2015“Law and animals”: Cutting-Edge Legal ResearchThe law school launches the doctoral programme “Law and Animals: Ethics at Crossroads”. “Law and
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posted in 05 Jun 2012
A tribute to Dana
Some 52 years ago or more, a baby girl was born in the forests of Sierra Leone, Africa. As Jane Goodall was taking her first pioneering steps into the world of chimpanzees, this little girl was taking her own first steps in her forest home. As Ham the chimpanzee rocketed into
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posted in 17 May 2012
Planet of the Apes and Image Rights
When a TV crew goes to GAP Sanctuary Sorocaba to record the lives of the guests and interview us about the project, we have to sign, for us and for the chimpanzees, a document of allowance of image rights. In our case, there is no cost. However, it could be
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posted in 10 May 2012
Johnnys message
Two weeks ago, a team from an Argentinean TV spent two days at Great Apes and Cats Sanctuary of Sorocaba, affiliated to GAP Project, filming a long report to be aired, for the first time, in our neighbor country.  The TV crew came along with Alejandra Juarez, representative of
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posted in 09 May 2012
My days in the city of chimpanzees
by Alejandra Juarez, Cordoba, ArgentinaAfter years working with animals, especially primates, the large and small ones, every day you can get surprised and learn new things. In my case, I almost never go out or travel so far… The fact to be able to keep the Carayás
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posted in 03 May 2012
Chimpanzee: the virtual and the real
 About a year ago, a virtual chimp, called Caesar, surprised the world when he said NO and headed a rebellion that freed dozens of great apes kept in captivity in a center for experimentation and in a zoo at United States. He was the main star of the movie &
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posted in 24 Apr 2012
Pioneering efforts of the Public Ministry in Brazil
Days ago we received a visit at GAP Sanctuary of Sorocaba of two prosecutors of Sao Paulo, of an environmental area. The Public Ministry of São Paulo, in a pioneering initiative, created the Task Force to Combat Environmental Crime and Irregular Installment Urban Land. It is the
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posted in 18 Apr 2012
Orca Morgan: European Parliament accepts GAP´s denounce
GAP Project Spain sent, a few weeks ago, a request for  the European Parliament asking for an investigation about the case of orca Morgan, who was sent by the Dutch Government to a water park in Spain, ignoring the claiming of scientists and activists for Morgan´s release
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