posted in 10 Sep 2012
Aerial view of GAP Sorocaba Sanctuary
Check out an updated aerial photograph of GAP Sorocaba Sanctuary.
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posted in 04 Sep 2012
937 chimpanzees wait their freedom
A Working Group of NIH (North American National Health Institute) that is discussing the ending of the use of chimpanzees in medical research in the country will meet on September 5th. There are still 937 chimpanzees in U.S. laboratories, 10 to 20% of them are still being absurdly tortured in invasive procedures
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posted in 30 Aug 2012
Meet Natasha, the genious chimpanzee
Despite the intelligence of chimpanzees already be a proven fact  for GAP project, due to the experience we have with the residents of the affiliated sanctuaries, it is always great to strengthen the dissemination of scientific research proving this intelligence and how much they are human. Every week we
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posted in 29 Aug 2012
Sabrina and her hallucinated pain
SOROCABA SANCTUARY Sabrina is a suffered lioness. She lived in a small cage of a circus, along with her two brothers. Since her birth she practically just met this hell of home. There, she could not move and when she grew up and became an adult, she began to develop
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posted in 23 Aug 2012
Jacques Cousteaus son joins the movement to free Morgan
GAP Project Spain remains steadfast in the struggle for free Morgan in the Atlantic Ocean, along with a coalition of organizations fighting for the same purpose. And a new enhancement has been added to this fight. Jean-Michel Cousteau, son of legendary Commander Cousteau, reinforce the movement to free the whale,
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posted in 15 Aug 2012
Preserving Primates
The Center for Great Apes gives sanctuary to homeless celebrity primates (from Florida Weekly) BY ELLA NAYORenayor@floridaweekly.comC’MON TELL THE TRUTH. DID you laugh or chuckle even a bit at the image of the well- dressed chimpanzees monkeying around during the CareerBuilder ad on the Super
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posted in 15 Aug 2012
How Cuba treats chimpanzees
INTERNATIONAL DENNOUNCE In the province of Camaguey, Cuba, there is a female chimpanzee in a small zoo who is, approximately, 30 years old; she is lonely, in a concrete and iron cage, which is the ultimate expression of abandonment and despair of an intelligent being who should never live that way.
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posted in 15 Aug 2012
A sanctuary for Colobus
Colobus is one of the major subfamilies of Old World monkeys, as they are more commonly called. They are monkeys of rare beauty, with several species that have different collors, as white and black, and even red. They are arboreal apes that rarely get down to the ground; they eat
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posted in 15 Aug 2012
GAP Project participates of III World Conference on Bioethics and Animal Rights
Recife, one of the main cities in Brazil, will become the world capital of animal rights between 22 and 25 August 2012. It will be held at Federal University of Pernambuco the III World Conference on Biotethics and Animal Rights, sponsored by the Abolitionist Institute in partnership with UFPE (Federal University of Pernambuco)
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posted in 14 Aug 2012
Second cycle – Doctoral Programme of Law and Animals at University of Basel
 “Law and Animals: Ethics at Crossroads” - Doctoral Programme at the Law School of the University of Basel, 2013-2016 “Law and animals”: Cutting-Edge Legal Research   The law school launches the doctoral programme “Law and Animals: Ethics at Cross-roads”. “Law and animals&
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posted in 14 Aug 2012
The way the king of the jungle is treated!
Circuses that still work with animals constantly repeat that the animals are well treated because they are their largest investment. However, the reality shows otherwise. We have living proof in Sorocaba Sanctuary: lions, bears and chimpanzees confiscated from circuses, due to the bad conditions they were submitted to - and
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posted in 14 Aug 2012
Gorilla baby is rescued by African Sanctuary
A baby gorilla who is about two years old, and who used to be an attraction at a restaurant in Equatorial Guinea, was confiscated by environmental authorities of the Government and taken to an African Sanctuary in Cameroon, which is a member of PASA – Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance. The
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posted in 13 Aug 2012
Cuba: warehouse of African animals?
A decade ago, a member of GAP Project in Cuba was investigating complaints that came to us of raising of chimpanzees for sale for circuses and individuals abroad. In the survey, it was confirmed that Cuba was reproducing chimpanzees and using the Havana zoo as an operation center, and that
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posted in 08 Aug 2012
Animal business!
A skeleton of a lion is worth $ 10,000 and a rhino’s worths more than gold, which caused the reduction of more than 270 rhinos in the first six months of this year in South Africa. In Miami, Jungle Island, a private zoo - which houses some great apes - is
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posted in 06 Aug 2012
Chimp seeks zoo visitors help to escape enclosure (VIDEO)
A chimpanzee at a zoo in Wales has been filmed gesturing at the lock on his enclosure in an apparent attempt to get a visitor to release him.The video shows the chimp pointing its finger at a window bolt and mimicking the movement required to open it.In one
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