posted in 16 Apr 2013
Roxy: The tragedy of a mother
 SAVE THE CHIMPS SANCTUARY Roxy lived her entire life in a center of medical torture. No one knew her full story. One day she received dolls and stuffed animals, as a gift, when she was transferred to the Sanctuary. She just paid attention to toys that resembled primates. Her
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posted in 11 Apr 2013
The new generation of chimpanzees
 The first generation of chimpanzees that live in Sorocaba Sanctuary has more than 12 years old. None of these babies that we raised was born in the Sanctuary, but arrived with no more than one year old for us. They are now adults and some had their first offspring. The
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posted in 28 Mar 2013
GAP Project at the launch of the book I am the Chimba – Second Edition
 On 18th April, at 9pm, in Galveias Palace, in Lisbon, the 2nd edition of the book "I Am Chimba", written by Mario Carmo, will be launched. The event is supported by the local government of Lisbon and, in addition to local authorities, it will be present at
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posted in 26 Mar 2013
The list of shame: the last 1000, where are them?
For almost 100 years, chimpanzees have been used in biomedical and behavioral research in United States, the last industrialized country to do these nonsense experiments. Today, 1000 chimpanzees live in five medical experiment centers. Four of them still use the apes in biomedical experimentation and only one, Alamogordo Primate Facility, keep
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posted in 26 Mar 2013
The list of shame: the last 1000, where are them?
For almost 100 years, chimpanzees have been used in biomedical and behavioral research in United States, the last industrialized country to do these nonsense experiments. Today, 1000 chimpanzees live in five medical experiment centers. Four of them still use the apes in biomedical experimentation and only one, Alamogordo Primate Facility, keep
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posted in 26 Mar 2013
The list of shame: the last 1000, where are them?
For almost 100 years, chimpanzees have been used in biomedical and behavioral research in United States, the last industrialized country to do these nonsense experiments. Today, 1000 chimpanzees live in five medical experiment centers. Four of them still use the apes in biomedical experimentation and only one, Alamogordo Primate Facility, keep
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posted in 20 Mar 2013
The numbers of a predictable tragedy
The United Nations released a few days ago the cruel numbers of the rapidly decline in the number of Great Apes worldwide, which could mean the extinction of a good part of these species over the next 10 to 20 years. GORILLAS: Mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) - 880 individuals in three countries:
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posted in 14 Mar 2013
GAP Spain claims for the closure of Guantanamo of the simians
There is an establishment in Spain called "La Granja de Primates of Camarles" in Tarragona. In that place there are hundreds of different species of monkeys, which are maintained and reproduced to fuel biomedical experimentation in Europe. GAP Project Spain has circulated a report among all Members of
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posted in 07 Mar 2013
Stolen Apes
STOLEN APES: THE ILLICIT TRADE IN CHIMPANZEES, GORILLAS, BONOBOS AND ORANGOTANS (click here to read) is the first report that analyzes the scale and extent of illegal trade and exposes the sophisticated connections of criminal networks between countries, as well as legislation and efforts to ban these illegal acts. This
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posted in 05 Mar 2013
GRASP denounces the imminent disappearance of great apes
 During the annual meeting of CITES in Bangkok, currently underway in Thailand, the Executive Director of GRASP - UN Programme for the defense of Great Apes, Doug Cress, reported that more than 3,000 great apes are captured each year to supply the lucrative and well armed illegal market of these
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posted in 05 Mar 2013
Young gorilla dies in a zoo: who is to blame?
Twelve-year old female gorilla Kifta, who came to Brazil to Belo Horizonte zoo with her partner Kimbi in 2011, for them to be the company of male gorilla Idi Amin, died last February 28th of pulmonary edema, according the report of the zoo. John Aspinal Foundation, which has two zoos in
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posted in 27 Feb 2013
The legal trade of great apes
Zoos in Europe insist on practicing the “legal trade” of apes to other zoos in Latin America and elsewhere. Zoos in Portugal interchange chimpanzees with Brazilian zoos, German zoos send orangutans to Brazilian zoos, English zoos sell young gorillas to Brazilian zoos and now the latest information: a
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posted in 26 Feb 2013
Extreme cruelty officially supported
 A baby - rhesus monkey - is taken from his mother hours after his birth, placed isolated and subjected to all sorts of terrifying experiences, including being put in front of a giant snake. After a year of experimental fears in his life, the baby is euthanized and his
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posted in 18 Feb 2013
The taste for food of chimpanzees
I was leaving GAP Sanctuary in Sorocaba, after over 11 hours of exhaustive work, and passed along the front of Billy’s enclosure. From the window he made me signs and showed me a square pot, different from the others, of a yogurt he enjoyed hours earlier. That was a
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posted in 15 Feb 2013
Animal experimentation: we get to be the backyard of the United States
 Brazilian newspaper “Valor Econômico” published this week an article about a project already approved and underway in the country, with federal and Santa Catarina state Government funding, with the participation and cooperation of multinational pharmaceutical companies, that can convert Brazil into a Giant Center of
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