First images of Peter Singer visiting Sorocaba Sanctuary
Check the first images of Peter Singer's visit to GAP Sanctuary of Sorocaba, in Brazil, on August 29th, 2013. Singer was one of the founders of The Great Ape Project. Related news:,meeting-peter-singer,peter-singer-our-most-illustrious-visitor [caption
Those who weeks ago thought that the fight to stop the torture of chimpanzees in North American laboratories was about to end up were cheated . The announcement made by NIH - National Institute of Health of USA, which ntended to deliver the chimpanzees it owns to a Federal Sanctuary, retiring
ew York Times gave space to a defender of the torture with chimpanzees, John L. VandeBerg, director of the Southwest National Primate Research Center, a known breeding and torture center of chimpanzees. Hypocritically, he complains that the ban on NIH - National Institute of Health - to use more chimps
In 1993, Peter Singer and Paola Cavalieri edited the book "The Great Ape Project - Equality Beyond Humanity", which was the beginning of a struggle for the basic rights of the Great Apes in our societies. In that book, in the first pages, it was written the text of the World
The way a country treats its animals is a way to scale up its political system and if the government is really appropriate, fair, ethical and serving its population. Cuba considers - according to its leaders - a country like all that talk. However, the facts show another dramatic reality.
(Huffingtom Post)SAN JOSE, Costa Rica -- Costa Rican officials say they plan to close both of the country's public zoos next year so that animals can be freed from their cages. But the foundation that runs the animal parks said Saturday it is trying to keep them operating.
Professor Peter Singer is the author of the book Animal Liberation, which created a new world standard to treat animals in our society. He was also one of the specialists who gave birth to GAP Project ideas in 1994 and today he is our Honor President. In the last
First images of Peter Singer, founder of GAP Project, visiting Sorocaba Sanctuary
Peter Singer com chimpanzé Suzi Peter Singer com chimpanzé Suzi Legenda das imagens: Images: 1) Welcome message to Peter Singer 2) Pedro Ynterian, Suzi and Deputy Feliciano Filho 3) GAP Team with Peter Singer 4) Peter Singer, Suzi and Pedro Ynterian 5) São Paulo city councilor Roberto Tripoli, Pedro Ynterian and Suzi
History repeats itself. She was born in Africa in the early 70s. In 1974, she appeared at the notorious Air Force Base Holloman, in Alamogordo, USA, where the suffering of chimpanzees has no end date. At first she was used as a guinea pig in a laboratory, later, for breeding. Between 1980
Caged chimpanzees, who never set foot on the grass, looked at the blue sky, wet their feet walking on damp ground or contemplated birds flying around it, practically lived a meaningless life. This is the case of Bicco. We reproduce here the report of Dr. Sandra Haluche, veterinary at
NGO NEAVS announced that the Governor of the State of Connecticut, Daniel Malloy, has just signed a law that promotes alternative techniques to dissect animals in schools and state universities. NEAVS and ESEC (Coalition for an Ethical Science Education) have managed that 16 states, plus the Federal District of Columbia, reject
Chimpanzee Francis, 50 years-old, she was born in Africa. When she was a baby was caught and taken to North-American medical experiment centers and zoos. She had several of her children stolen, was transfered to a zoo in Bolivia, where she almost died of starvation. She was rescued by GAP Project,
PARANÁ SANCTUARY Bicco is the last chimpanzee who came to Paraná Sanctuary, managed by Anami Institute and affiliated to GAP Project. Bicco never had contact with chimpanzees and the attempt to join him with a group of several females and a young male did not work when he
The industrial production of footwear to supply humans started less than 100 years ago. Currently, millions of humans in remote areas, and not so remote ones, still go barefoot. The first human show goes back a few hundred years ago, before the Christian era. Over millions of years, different Homos who
In its more than 15 meters high, it dominated a good part of the Sanctuary. By its structure passed hawks, vultures, toucans, parrots, owls and dozens of other bird species. We met 18 years ago when we entered the main gate he dominated in accessing a site of three acres, which began