posted in 27 Dec 2013
What zoos are for?
campaña Toti To entertain the public. Straight and simple. Look no further use, since it does not exist and if they say “educate children, conserve biodiversity, generate research and knowledge about the fauna ", you must know that it's all marketing. When the first zoo came early in last century in the UK,
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posted in 24 Dec 2013
A shame to the world
Limbe Sanctuary, in the Cameroon Republic, at Atlantic African coast, has already received, in seven years, apart from great apes, 3500 grey parrots, which is considered one of the most inteligent birds of the world. In the forest of this country, it is estimated that less than 5000 still live in the
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posted in 20 Dec 2013
To our friends and collaborators
To our friends and collaborators
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posted in 12 Dec 2013
Caesar arrived
I asked Samantha repeatedly to wait for me. She was carrying a big baby, in a huge belly, which made her last days of pregnancy very painful. Sofia accompanied her everywhere. She refused to go with her ​​sisters - Sarah and Suzi – to the other room with Jimmy, her foster
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posted in 04 Dec 2013
First Habeas Corpus in the United States to free chimpanzees
December 3, 2013 will be a historic day in the struggle for the rights of great apes and many other innocent beings exploited and slaughtered by men.  Dr. Steven Wise, founder of NGO NHRP (Nonhuman Rights Project) in 2007, along with dozens of other lawyers , filed an application for a habeas corpus in
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posted in 03 Dec 2013
Last images of Ibiúna Sanctuary
Santuario de Ibiuna This sanctuary hosts chimpanzees Deby and Megh, daughters of Peter, Tata and Judy, who live in Sorocaba Sanctuary. When they were rescued from the private zoo Paraíso Perdido, in Fortaleza (northeast of Brazil), which was closed by IBAMA (Brazilian Environmental Institute), the father and the mother still lived there. 
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posted in 27 Nov 2013
The fight for power
Kalema The power struggle when males try to establish themselves as alpha of a group of chimpanzees is constant. In the Sanctuary of Ngamba Island, the situation is no different. It seems that, in recent days, Kalema is consolidating his power as dominant. He had to intervene in a disagreement between
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posted in 25 Nov 2013
Brazilian vets from GAP do internship in African Sanctuary
Zambia team mini Three Brazilian veterinary doctors – two from GAP Sanctuary of Paraná and one from Sorocaba - were at the Chimfunshi Sanctuary, in Zambia, for an internship course of treatment of chimpanzees, especially for anesthesia.           Carolina, Camila and Milena The course was conducted by specialized veterinarians in
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posted in 14 Nov 2013
New decoration in the first enclosure of adult chimpanzees
recinto novo gilberto-70 - Copia More than 10 years ago, Gilberto, Ditty, Flint, Margarethe, Carolina and Lulu were the first adult chimpanzees received at GAP Sanctuary in Sorocaba, and this place was their first home. The enclosure have evolved a lot and today are multiples of 1000 square meters, with the most sophisticated indoor and outdoor facilities.
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posted in 07 Nov 2013
South Africa: massacre of lions
Hundreds of lions are sacrificed in South Africa so that their bones are transformed in fake sex potions, which are exported to Asian countries. Due to the lack of lions - there are less than ten thousand in the wild in Africa -, it has been created an industry of
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posted in 06 Nov 2013
Victory in São Roque
If anyone had any doubt that the Royal Institute was a front for a center of torture of animals , which offered services to multinational conglomerates that sell cosmetics and tested the toxicity of its components in beagles dogs existing there , after reading the work published by retired professor from Unicamp ,
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posted in 05 Nov 2013
De um santuário africano: Kalema ganha o primeiro round
Kisembo & Kalema A briga para substituir Mika, que desapareceu como macho alfa do Santuário da Ilha Ngamba, parece que foi definida numa briga dias atrás. Kalema e Kisembo tiveram várias; na última Kisembo sofreu uma ferida na testa, que precisou de sutura e tratamento, assim como seu isolamento do
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posted in 30 Oct 2013
A birthday gift
A few hours before  October 25 , a Thursday in São Paulo, I received a call around two pm announcing that three chimpanzees of Noel's group had escaped from their enclosure at  Sorocaba Sanctuary. That day in São Paulo was terrible due to traffic accidents  and there were congestion accumulated
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posted in 21 Oct 2013
Gorillas: objects in the hand of poachers
An observer of nature, suche as Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado , spoke very clearly at a TV programme recently: "To have a gorilla at the zoo , you destroy a family ." He continues: " People who are coming to the zoo to see gorilla should make a protest . A family of gorillas
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posted in 21 Oct 2013
Dennounce against German zoo is official
ESPECTACULO GAP Project Spain (PGS) received the European Parliament's official confirmation of the complaint against Schwaben Park Zoo, in southern Germany, where 44 chimpanzees are subjected to abuse and a group of them is used in circus humiliating acts. The complaint was registered under n ° 1248/2013 and will be examined in the coming
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