posted in 13 Mar 2014
Captive orcas: half of them die in four years
SosDelfines A female orca can live for 90 years in the ocean. In an aquatic park, half of the orcas die in four years. 91% of the orcas caught in the wild since 1961 have died. Help to ban this massacre and to avoid that the aquatic parks continue to torture and kill animas.
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posted in 11 Mar 2014
Memory and Planning in the mind of chimpanzees
Otavio Mesquita_302x200 Last weekend,  the TV presenter Otávio Mesquita visited us for a story along with a crew of SBT.  Octávio knows us for over 10 years. According to him, he was flying in ahelicopter above the Sanctuary , going to his farm, and he discovered us. People told him that “there
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posted in 06 Mar 2014
In an African Sanctuary – Umutama : a new leader ?
It's been over six months since Mika, the alpha male chimpanzee Ngamba Island Sanctuary community , was inexplicably found dead at a point away from the bedrooms of this island. The struggle for the leadership began shortly after, but no definition happened. Candidates who seemed more proper to assume the function,
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posted in 05 Mar 2014
The invasion of skunks
Caco e Jully Days ago we reported that as industrialization progresses through the countryside of São Paulo State, particularly in the region of Sorocaba, it affects the fauna found in the forests that are gone and the few that remain become a refuge for survival of many species, but are unable to
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posted in 26 Feb 2014
The suffering of a chimpanzee
The life of Toti, chimpanzee who lives is an inhospitable Zoo in Rio Negro Province, Argentina , where he is isolated and does not know anyone, remains a real drama . We have reported here what Toti spent in his 24 years of a miserable life – he will never get rid of humans
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posted in 26 Feb 2014
Suzi goes back to the forest
Susi 3_302x200 When Suzi was a little bit more of one year old, we started to take her a few days in the month to the forested area of Sorocaba Sanctuary, where her parents spent a lot of hours when they were babies and pre-teens.  She climbed the trees , walked everywhere , but
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posted in 20 Feb 2014
Against circuses and hunting for ivory, NGO cares for elephants and wants to create sanctuary in Brazil
Since last Monday, February  17, a group of animal rights activists are camped in front of the National Congress in Brasilia, with the aim of pressuring lawmakers to approve bills that address animal rights. Among them is ElephantVoices, international NGO dedicated to the protection of elephants. Speaking to R7, Junia Machado,
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posted in 20 Feb 2014
The mystery of Toti is solved – read this chilling tale
Toti was born as Nahuel. The person who accompanied him since he was three years old, who is identified here as CL , tells the true and terrifying history of the life of this chimp, who is not 13 years old, but 24, and still waits alone in an inhospitable zoo, in southern
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posted in 19 Feb 2014
Integration at Paraná Sanctuary
Noel e Lucy explorando o novo recinto_298x200 Days ago an integration of chimpanzees at Anami Institute Sanctuary, affiliated to GAP Project, in, Paraná was performed. For some years, Lucy , a former chimpanzee of Garcia circus, lived with her ​​baby Noel , and they were neighbors of the first group of babies of the sanctuary, which today are already
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posted in 18 Feb 2014
More support for Toti in Argentina
Activists who advocate for the returning of chimpanzee Toti Cordoba Zoo, for him to be transferred to a GAP Sanctuary in Brazil, made ​​new public demonstrations on 17 February, during the Apple Festival in Rio Negro, an evento much frequented by local citizens. According to the event organizers, who distributed the
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posted in 16 Feb 2014
Activists camp in front of National Congress in Brazil for projects in defense of animals
From February 17 to February 20, activists of animal rights will camp in front of the National Congress, in Brasília, capital of Brazil. The National Camp for Animals seeks to pressure lawmakers to approve proposals that address the issue in Brazilian Congress and Senate. In the list of demands, it is
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posted in 12 Feb 2014
The invasion of hedgehogs
When we started the sanctuary in Sorocaba 17 years ago, we were in a rural area, far away from civilization. However, it has already progressed aggressively and currently we are surrounded by it, converting GAP Sanctuary on an island refuge for dozens of species threatened by the so-called "civilization”. When we
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posted in 06 Feb 2014
Challenge for Globo TV channel: can it join this family?
Caso Kate mini Watch a video at GAP Communication Channel on Youtube (in Portuguese) about the story of how female chimpanzee Kate ended up in a zoo, was used in a soap opera in the role of chimpanzee Xico and returned to the zoo, where she has a miserable life and no future.
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posted in 05 Feb 2014
Zoos without visitors
toti-jaulaBIEN As reported by Martin Davids, a handler of chimpanzees of La Plata  Zoo, in Argentina, in an interview given to GAP channel on youtube days ago in Sorocaba Sanctuary (you can check the videos here, in Spanish version), the chimps who were outside the enclosure refused to go back indoor
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posted in 05 Feb 2014
Opening Doors
I met her when we were both starting. She, in a very hostile environment, where the chimps were tortured to death, and I, in not so much hostile one, but in an environment where the primates were negotiated between individual buyers , circuses , zoos and entertainment centers, shamelessly. Dr. Carole Noon
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