posted in 10 Apr 2014
Charlie, the last chimpanzee in Lebanon
Charlie Libano The fight lasted nine years. On Saturday, April 5, the Lebanon court ordered the confiscation of chimpanzee Charlie from a zoo and his delivery to the NGO Animals Lebanon, which has rescued some other primates and sent them to GAP Sanctuary in Paraná, Brazil. Charlie is 9 years old, was smuggled from
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posted in 10 Apr 2014
Trickery comes from a long time ago…
Emílio (2) Many wonder about the origins of the Brazilian attitude "take advantage". It is not exclusive to our people, as long as many other people in other countries also practice it. If we try to return to the past, maybe we will face that the origin comes from a few million
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posted in 05 Apr 2014
Seaworld drugs its whales
The article of ANDA that we reproduce below proves that whales from SeaWorld , and quite possibly of all water parks, including Loro Parque in Spain, are doped with Valium and other benzodiazepines , to keep them calm, so they do not harm themselves and the keepers. In the explanation of SeaWorld
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posted in 02 Apr 2014
Mountain gorillas are in danger
WEB_48683_MartinHarvey_WWF-Canon_email Virunga National Park is one of the last areas in the Democratic Republic of Congo protected of the ambition of timber, oil, mining and expansion of palm oil production. At the park, a group of Mountain Gorillas still survives, surrounded by enemies and deforestation which are only a few miles
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posted in 01 Apr 2014
Zoo for what?
Bugio Ibiuna (3) OUR FAUNA IS ABANDONED On Friday, March 28, a team of the local Environmental Police went to Sorocaba Sanctuary with a wounded Howler Monkey. He had been rescued by some citizens and taken to a clinic for dogs, which gave first aid but were unable to keep him. Police called the
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posted in 27 Mar 2014
Toti: appeals and demonstrations
Toti en Rio Negro (5) The campaign for the return of chimpanzee Toti to Cordoba Zoo and a subsequent transference to a GAP sanctuary in Brazil remains intensely . A new feature is being presented to the Federal Court this week given the lack of the Municipality of Cordoba decision, which was triggered to ask the
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posted in 27 Mar 2014
American parks have no more shows with primates
Victory The last parks of the United States that continued to force orangutans to act on stage - Universal Studios of Hollywood and Orlando - officially retired the primates of all their shows with "animal actors". Since 2009, NGO PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) advocates for the parks
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posted in 27 Mar 2014
An amazing recovery
Pinho_302x200 It was a Saturday in March, usually a quieter day at the Sanctuary. However, early  in the morning, chimpanzees more attuned to the routine sensed that the day would be different. Chimpanzee Pinho (Felipinho) would be operated. A multidisciplinary team of human and veterinary doctors was prepared for this mission.
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posted in 25 Mar 2014
Charlie: lonely chimpanzee in a dilapidated zoo
See the images of a program called “Gabriel O Ecológico” (in Spanish) about the situation of chimpanzee Charlie and Mendoza zoo, in Argentina, which are in a very bad conservation state.   Dr. Pedro Ynterian President, GAP Project International
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posted in 21 Mar 2014
Cross River gorillas: less than 230 in the wild
GAP Project Spain launched a worldwide warning of the imminent danger of the disappearance of the Cross River gorilla subspecies. It is estimated that there are less than 230 individuals in the wild on the border between Nigeria and Cameroon and that they may no longer exist in Nature. Limbe Sanctuary (
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posted in 19 Mar 2014
Toti and the wind
Toti (2) If there is something that really scares chimpanzees is the wind, a component of nature that make them to tremble in fear. When we were in the woods with Guga’s group and the wind began to blow, they came and stood around us or the handlers in order to
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posted in 19 Mar 2014
Brent , a different painter
At the Museum of Art in Fort Lauderdale, Florida,  it is one of the paintings by Brent, a 38-year old chimpanzee, resident, until days ago, of Chimp Haven Sanctuary, in Louisiania. Brent arrived at the sanctuary in 2006. For most of his life he lived alone, apparently in a family home.
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posted in 19 Mar 2014
Diagnosis of Zoos and Aquariums in Argentina
CAN BE EXTENDED TO BRAZIL AND LATIN AMERICA This report was prepared Argentine environmentalist Claudio Bertonatti, along with Fidel Baschetto and Carlos Fernandez Balboa in 2014 and presented for consideration of the public and the Argentine authorities by Natural History Foundation "Félix de Azara”. In Brazil, a similar debate is
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posted in 18 Mar 2014
The exchange
2014-03-17- Tião com tênis_228x200 We do not know what leads to this preference and the reason why some individuals develop it, but the love for tennis shoes is something that some chimpanzees manifest all the time. Guga, Noel, Carlos, Tião, Claudio, Emilio and Luke, they all want to have a shoe with them,
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posted in 14 Mar 2014
More 18 chimpanzees are retired
Last month, 18 chimpanzees from the center of medical torture - New Iberia Research Center (NIRC ) - arrived at Chimp Haven Sanctuary. From the 110 who are planned to go to the Sanctuary, 68 already enjoy a life free of torture. Through a work of the Organization NEAVS, it was possible to manage
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