posted in 01 Sep 2014
Director of GAP Spain visits Brazil and Argentina
Pedro Pozas Terrados The director of the GAP Project in Spain (known as Project Gran Simio), Pedro Pozas Terrados, author of the recently released book “Defenders of Equality - Freedom without chains, beyond genetics”, which recounts the struggle over the past 20 years for the great apes, will start a visit to Brazil and
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posted in 28 Aug 2014
Toti: a millionaire’s caprice
"I knew Toti two years ago, I met him at his home in Cordoba. I also know Alejandra Juarez and the work she has been doing as a representative of GAP Argentina. Last week, traveling to southern Argentina, I came to see the Toti, visiting him in his new home
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posted in 26 Aug 2014
Argentina will host International Conference on Animal Rights
images Google Organization: Institute of Animal Law, College of Lawyers of San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina Date: September 8, 2014, 9:30 am Themes: Teaching Animal Law in Latin America Great Apes, their rights and their Habitat Conservation Legal Tools in Defense of "Non-Human Persons" Jurisprudence Exhibitors: Pedro Pozas Terrados - Spain (GAP Spain) Tagore Trajano
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posted in 26 Aug 2014
Brazil will host the 4th World Congress of Bioethics and Animal Rights
From August 27-30, the city of Brasilia will host a major event in the area of animal rights: the IV World Congress of Bioethics and Animal Rights, organized by the Animal Abolitionist Institute. The event has become a reference in the area and brings experts from Brazil and the world
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posted in 21 Aug 2014
Monti smiles again
Two months ago, Alejandra Juarez, from GAP Argentina, and Vania Ynterian, from GAP Brazil, visited Monti for the first time. His reaction was fantastic, demonstrating that he is a chimp that can be perfectly restored into a sanctuary with his peers. They were more than an hour with him, took
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posted in 21 Aug 2014
Roman: a warrior without hatred
Roman-CloseUp-250 His history goes back to the African jungle. He was born somewhere near 1966. He was hunted and his parents were possibly killed. One he appeared, in May 1975, at the Holloman Air Force Base, in the State of New Mexico. He was immediately placed in medical torture programs. In 22 years, he
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posted in 20 Aug 2014
The desperation of loneliness
I've seen reflected in the eyes of primates, humans and non-humans, most of all political prisoners with whom I lived some steps of my life. It was not just the physical loneliness of not having someone to share and even love, it was the loneliness of abandonment, the future, the
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posted in 19 Aug 2014
The unexplained death of Robin Williams
Robin Williams and gorila Koko A sensitive human being, after meeting another being even more sensitive, gorilla Koko. Watch this video:
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posted in 12 Aug 2014
Monti: the oldest prisoner cries for freedom
Monti Chimpanzee Monti is 45 years old. He spent all those years in the same prison, facing the audience, with no possibility of privacy or company. Monti is the oldest Argentine conscience prisoner because he is innocent of any wrongdoing. His only fault was born a nonhuman primate, and be used to
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posted in 12 Aug 2014
Monti: the oldest prisoner cries for freedom
Monti Chimpanzee Monti is 45 years old. He spent all those years in the same prison, facing the audience, with no possibility of privacy or company. Monti is the oldest Argentine conscience prisoner because he is innocent of any wrongdoing. His only fault was born a nonhuman primate, and be used to
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posted in 12 Aug 2014
Monti: the oldest prisoner cries for freedom
Monti Chimpanzee Monti is 45 years old. He spent all those years in the same prison, facing the audience, with no possibility of privacy or company. Monti is the oldest Argentine conscience prisoner because he is innocent of any wrongdoing. His only fault was born a nonhuman primate, and be used to
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posted in 08 Aug 2014
Winter in the sanctuary
Bruna 1 It took more than ever, but now the cold of winter invaded GAP Great Ape Sanctuary in Sorocaba, and we had to resort to comforters, especially for those who like to sleep or staying a long time in their baskets outdoors. Here are some recent pictures of chimpanzees who sleep
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posted in 08 Aug 2014
The power of youth
Visita Gustavo Petta e Gabriel Bitencourt13_302x200 Days ago Congressman Gustavo Petta visited us in GAP Sanctuary of Sorocaba. He was accompanied by Gabriel Bittencourt and his wife, who are close collaborators of our struggle for the rights of great apes and animals in general. Gustavo Petta was President of Brazilian National Union of Students and is
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posted in 06 Aug 2014
Brazilian councilman presents a bill to extinguish zoos
Olhar animal 02102014 Councilman Zander Fabio, from Goiania (middle centre of Brazil), presented at City Hall earlier today a bill calling for the total extinction of Goiania Zoo. In his assessment, the city can do history if the proposal is effective. Zander affirmed that animals have no quality of life in the zoo."
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posted in 31 Jul 2014
Who is responsible?
  A new accident happened in a Brazilian Zoo, in a city called Cascavel. An 11 year old boy who had access easily to the cages of big cats ended causing a tiger, who hurt his arm, which later had to be amputated.   Who is responsible? The boy’s father
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