posted in 10 Oct 2014
A new study reveals that zoos are not educational for children
HARMFUL TO HUMANS AND ANIMALS Zoos try to hide the cruelty of captivity behind a mask of “education for conservation". But a new study shows that learning is not usually the result. The information is from NGO PETA Latino. British sociologists gathered data from children between 7 and 15 years old, before
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posted in 08 Oct 2014
Zoos: Business desks
Fifteen years ago, when I entered the world of non-human primates, I began to criticize the zoos, which until that time I had in high esteem. Private persons, circuses and commercial breeders used to make partnerships with public, the majority, and private zoos in Brazil. These partnerships led to delivery
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posted in 02 Oct 2014
Educational TV for monkeys
Fernando Reinach By Fernando Reinach, Biologist (O Estado de SP newspaper) In Aldeia, countryside of Pernambuco state, in Brazil, British and Austrian scientists demonstrated for the first time that monkeys can be educated through television. I suppose you know how to peel a tangerine, but you remember how you learned? Most likely
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posted in 01 Oct 2014
Animal models are no longer needed
The Nobel Prize in Medicine, Sydney Brenner, speaking on the 1st Forum of Tomorrow Medicine, held last weekend at Albert Einstein Hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil, dismissed the need to use animal models to study human diseases. An article of Valor newspaper highlighted: "According to Brenner, it will need to
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posted in 01 Oct 2014
Animal models are no longer needed
The Nobel Prize in Medicine, Sydney Brenner, speaking on the 1st Forum of Tomorrow Medicine, held last weekend at Albert Einstein Hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil, dismissed the need to use animal models to study human diseases. An article of Valor newspaper highlighted: "According to Brenner, it will need to
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posted in 01 Oct 2014
Invasion of airspace
Invasão espaço aéreo The area where the Great Ape Sanctuary is located in Sorocaba, near Castelo Branco highway, is also close to an area of ​​upscale condominiums, which generates considerable traffic of helicopters, especially on weekends, and this is beginning to disturb the animals who live there. In the last few weeks, helicopters,
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posted in 25 Sep 2014
We are similar even in our defects
Guga3 Years ago, when I used to go with Guga’s group - five chimpanzees - in the woods of the sanctuary for two hours for them to play, I tried to teach them to collaborate in the work we had to do. We have a small river in the area,
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posted in 23 Sep 2014
Indian Zoo: Tiger Kills Man Who Climbed Into Moat
By MUNEEZA NAQVI Associated Press A white tiger killed a young man who climbed over a fence at the New Delhi zoo and jumped into the animal's enclosure Tuesday, a spokesman said. Despite repeated warnings that he shouldn't get too close to the outdoor enclosure, the man eventually climbed over
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posted in 18 Sep 2014
World Manifesto: recognition of great apes as non human persons
It is commom sense to affirm  that if you are talking about persons you are talking about humans.  In fact, it is not so, since we have granted legal status of personhood to foundations or corporations, and for creationists there are divine persons. We believe that it is time to
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posted in 18 Sep 2014
Controversy in Argentina: do chimpanzees have rights?
As a repercussion of  the application of freedom for chimpanzees Toti and Monti, in Argentine zoos, and of the visit of Pedro Pozas Terrados, president of Gran Simio Project, of Spain, to the country, to give several lectures and be honored by the University of Cordoba, this controversy, which started
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posted in 17 Sep 2014
Toti incommunicado!
A few days ago, the representative of GAP project in Rio Negro, Argentina, Melina Mel Martinez, tried to visit chimpanzee Toti, who is kept in a cage at Bubalcó zoo in that locality, but she was forbidden to enter by the Administrator of the zoo. Milena has an annual pass,
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posted in 13 Sep 2014
Argentina: Pedro Pozas Terrados , director of GAP Spain, was declared distinguished guest by Cordoba National University
During his visit to Argentina, Pedro Pozas Terrados, director of GAP Project Spain (PGS), was recognized as a militant in the fight for animal rights. Dr. Francisco Tamarit, dean of Cordoba National University (UNC), gave him, on September 11,  a diploma that declares he was a distinguished guest.. Terrados is the
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posted in 10 Sep 2014
10 Ways These Historic Chimps Are Enjoying Retirement
August 18, 2014 by Michael Sharp They’ve already checked “road tripping through the South” off their retirement bucket list. Now they’re making their way through “trying out acrobatics” and “chowing down on a tropical treat.” Yes, for these 110 chimpanzees—the largest group of government-owned chimps ever sent to sanctuary—the
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posted in 03 Sep 2014
NIH: mistake or a trick?
Gweneatingpeppers_AF_by_Chimp_Haven_opt_border NIH – United States National Health Institute – affirmed months ago that it had decided to retire all of its chimpanzees, but a strategic reserve of 50 individuals, for use in medical torture in emergency cases. But yet the promise "remains a promise" and 360 beings remain in the same torture centers where they
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posted in 03 Sep 2014
GAP Project participated in the World Congress of Bioethics and Animal Rights in Brasilia
From August 28-30, GAP Project participated in the 4th World Congress of Bioethics and Animal Rights, held at the University Center of the Federal District (UDF), in Brasília, Brazil. This edition, more than the previous ones, showed how the issue has gained importance in the legal environment. Besides the
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