CHIMPS DECLARED AS NON HUMAN PERSONS Gran Simian Project (Spain) and GAP are releasing the World Manifesto for the recognition of great apes as nonhuman persons 2014 and request that the European Community accepts this new concept, condemning the torture of chimpanzees in Germany and the lack of a common standard
U.S. Department of Agriculture allows animal torture
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has the task, among others, to enforce the Animal Welfare Act, which ensures that the animals are well treated, at any branch where they are, are not tortured, have proper veterinary care and sufficient food. That's the theory, but in practice USDA does not
GAP Project received a letter (PDF bellow) from UN/GRASP - Great Ape Survival Partnership addressed to the Mayor ot Sorocaba city, Antonio Carlos Pannunzio, asking for the transfer of chimpanzee Blackie, who lives at the city zoo, to Sorocaba Sanctuary, affiliated to GAP. Doug Cress, GRASP Programme Coordinator, wrote: "
Chimpanzees ‘read’ magazines and enjoy retirement in Sorocaba
Publications on celebrities are preferred by the great apes. Sanctuary is home to several species of apes, monkeys, lions and bears. by Geraldo Jr. (G1) Original text (in Portuguese): In this link you can check a video and a photo gallery
UN/ GRASP - Great Ape Survival Partnership facebook page published its support to the tansfer of chimpanzee Blackie from Sorocaba zoo to the GAP Sanctuary in the same city. The Sanctuary is only 20 km far away from the zoo and there Blackie will be able to live with other 54 chimpanzees,
Blackie and his astral hell: Write to the Sorocaba Mayor asking for his transfer to GAP Sanctuary
Chimpanzee Blackie does not deserve what life has been offering him. Lonely in a small enclosure in Sorocaba Zoo, he has to endure day after day the astral hell that means the presence of hundreds of people, especially on holidays and weekends, who harass him with their cries, mess and
In San Francisco Zoo, a 15-month female baby gorilla, called Kabibe, died after being pressed by a hydraulic door that was being closed to hold the entire family of gorillas in the dorms. This is a common practice, as reported by us numerous times. All zoos in the world tend
Nearly 50-year-old chimpanzee Blackie chimp will finally live together with his peers; transference to GAP Sanctuary depends only on the approval of the Mayor of Sorocaba
From what is known of his history, Blackie and three other chimpanzees were "artistic" figures in Tihany Circus, in Brazil. Rescued by the environmental police, he went to Ribeirão Preto zoo and, due to a treatment for a scorpion sting, he was transferred to the zoo "Quinzinho de Barros"
Sundays between 10 and 10:30am, this helicopter photographed here stresses the lives of 300 beings, who live living quietly and smoothly in the Sanctuary of the Great Apes and Felines of Sorocaba. Last Sunday, I was with Guga and Emilio on the grounds of "Soccer Camp" and the noise ended angering both,
At the request of Judge Alarcon Dario, of the city of Santiago del Estero, Argentina, a group of biologists, veterinarians and human doctors visited chimpanzee Monti in the last 48 hours to assess his situation and recommend or not his transfer to a sanctuary in Brazil. The biologist, Dr. Ivana Rodriguez,
At the request of Judge Alarcon Dario, of the city of Santiago del Estero, Argentina, a group of biologists, veterinarians and human doctors visited chimpanzee Monti in the last 48 hours to assess his situation and recommend or not his transfer to a sanctuary in Brazil. The biologist, Dr. Ivana Rodriguez,
At the request of Judge Alarcon Dario, of the city of Santiago del Estero, Argentina, a group of biologists, veterinarians and human doctors visited chimpanzee Monti in the last 48 hours to assess his situation and recommend or not his transfer to a sanctuary in Brazil. The biologist, Dr. Ivana Rodriguez,
GRASP – Great Apes Survival Partnership, an alliance of national governments, conservation organizations, wildlife treaties and UN agencies, led by UNEP and UNESCO, which aims to lift the threat of imiment or medium term extinction faced by the four non human great apes (chimpanzees, gorillas, bononos and orangotanis) has launched an
GRASP highlights rescue of animals from Brazilian zoo
GRASP – Great Apes Survival Partnership, an alliance of national governments, conservation organizations, wildlife treaties and UN agencies, led by UNEP and UNESCO, which aims to lift the threat of imiment or medium term extinction faced by the four non human great apes (chimpanzees, gorillas, bononos and orangotanis) highlighted on its