posted in 13 Feb 2015
Caesar returns to his world
Adaptação no recinto César e Susi2_302x200 Caesar, who is one year and two months old, is already back in his Chimpanzee World. A few days ago, we made the migration of the human world in which he was created all these months, under our care, since his mother, Samantha, did not manage to nurse him. Caesar
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posted in 10 Feb 2015
Chimpanzees in the United States: Final Solution… Death
In June 2013, the direction of NIH - National Institute of Health announced with great marketing that it would retire the 310 chimpanzees living in various medical torture centers in the United States. Later, it affirmed that only 50 would be kept as a strategic reserve. But it's been over a year and
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posted in 05 Feb 2015
Monti: a new death foretold
Alejandra Juarez was leaving her Sanctuary in Cordoba to Santiago del Estero. News came hours before from GAP Project members who were observing chimpanzee Monti and they were worrying. The backhoes destroyed the Zoo around him, the animals were being removed. Monti, a 45-year-old chimpanzee, in his cramped prison of
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posted in 29 Jan 2015
Sandra must be transferred to North American Sanctuary
Sandra According to the latest information received, Sandra, a female orangutan who lives in Buenos Aires Zoo and managed to be released to be transferred to a sanctuary through a Habeas Corpus filed on her behalf, can go, in a few months, for Center for Great Apes Sanctuary. in Wauchula, Florida,
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posted in 28 Jan 2015
Sandra released!
Sandra Information received suggest that the Judge of First Instance in Buenos Aires, who was analyzing the Habeas Corpus proposal on behalf of Sandra, female orangutan, welcomed the request and left the decision to send her to a sanctuary in charge of the Government of Buenos Aires Province, which owns the
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posted in 26 Jan 2015
Ebola has killed a third of gorillas and chimpanzees in the world
Among the gorillas, 95% of those infected eventually died. Among chimpanzees, the mortality rate is 77% The Ebola virus has made thousands of victims around the world in the current outbreak, which is the worst since the 1970s. However, it is not only the human being who is suffering the consequences of
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posted in 22 Jan 2015
Zoos are also showcases
Venda e Exposição de Animais Proibidas An extensive discussion has been happening in the last few days in Brazil due to a resolution of the Federal Council of Veterinary Medicine, which prohibits pet exposure for sale in "PET Shops", in cages or showcases.The public ends harassing the innocent beings, who have no idea why they
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posted in 21 Jan 2015
The hypocrisy of zoos
A chimpanzee with two popsicles, one in each hand: that's what the press in Brazil has shown in pictures and videos as the resource for fighting the intense heat of the last few days in a Brazilian zoo. Those popsicles lasted some minutes before being devoured by the chimp, but
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posted in 19 Jan 2015
Ireland May be the Next Country to Free Animals as ‘Non-Human’ Persons
Gorila Onegreenplanet Last week, Argentina made headlines when they granted an orangutan, named Sandra, the status of “non-human person” and the freedom she needed to be moved out of the Buenos Aires Zoo. Sandra, a reportedly shy orangutan, was obviously unhappy with her living situation at the zoo. This went into the
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posted in 07 Jan 2015
Contrary history
The water parks of the United States are in crisis and possibly in a few more years they will disappear. Keeping dolphins, whales and aquatic animals in tanks is completely not acceptable in the XXI century. But ... In Brazil, it seems that some people live in another "galaxy". Water parks
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posted in 30 Dec 2014
GAP Project wish you a Happy New Year!
GAP Project wish you a Happy New Year!
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posted in 30 Dec 2014
54 years of a fallacy
This time we will not speak of non-human primates, we will focus on humans. Since I have been involved with GAP Project, I avoid entering the Cuba issue, where I was born 75 years ago. Many journalists who have visited us in Sorocaba Sanctuary want to talk about the subject, but
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posted in 30 Dec 2014
The case of Sandra
Sandra In the last days of 2014, the case of Sandra, a female orangutan who lives at Buenos Aires Zoo, ran the world when her rights as Non-Human Person were recognized by an Argentine Court. We will try to explain the background and details of this case so that all everyone who
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posted in 19 Dec 2014
UN/GRASP asks for Toti’s transfer
UN Great Apes Survival Partnership - GRASP is in favor for chimpanzee Toti's transference to Brazil GRASP has sent a letter to Bubalcó Zoo, in Argentina, asking "kindly" to the zoo to transfer the chimpanzee to GAP Sorocaba Sanctuary, in Brazil. Source (in Spanish):
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posted in 18 Dec 2014
Mexico takes animals out of circuses
Mexico has been, until now, a major center of circuses operation with animals. Some chimpanzees that were created in Brazil were sold to Mexican circuses 15 years ago. Today the Mexican Congress passed a law banning the National Wildlife species in circuses, which awaits the Presidential sanction in the coming days.
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