posted in 16 Apr 2015
GAP Project in Mexico
Mexico 2015 In a joint work with the representation of GAP Project in Mexico, the director of GAP Spain, Pedro Pozas Terrados, will visit for a week, starting on April 21, the country. In an extensive schedule that includes meetings, conferences and visits, Pedro Pozas will be lecturing on the need to create
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posted in 15 Apr 2015
A friend who has passed
Renquist For several hours, in silence, a group of chimpanzees, with dark aspect and sad look, circulates the body of dear friend who has just died unexpectedly struck by a heart attack. I have witnessed this kind of scene, each one with their differences, and it is amazing to see how
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posted in 26 Mar 2015
Solidarity among primates
Solidarity is a quality that every day more scarce in the human race, but among non-human primates it is a characteristic that marks the species. It is very common to see chimpanzees trying to heal the wounds or bruises on the other after fights, forgetting quickly the animosity. The relationship
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posted in 20 Mar 2015
Disputing a tunnel
As we have mentioned before, we discovered that chimpanzees love tunnels and walkways; but some of them are so fanatic that dispute their use when they are shared. Bongo is a chimpanzee born in Angola who came from Portugal, where he lived with a family who saved him from death
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posted in 12 Mar 2015
GAP Project denounces captive of orangutans in Mexico
Zoo de Chapultepec en Mexico Toto and Jambi are two orangutans living at Chapultepec Zoo, in Mexico City. Animal welfare organizations and GAP Mexico have denounced the situation and conditions of life in which these orangutans are, without access to sunlight and in depressive state. A petition with 6,500 signatures, collected in two weeks, led to
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posted in 12 Mar 2015
Family life
Casinha por onde a Samantha levou o César1_302x200 I arrived a little after dawn where Caesar was with his mother, Samantha, and his sister Sofia. I entered their enclosure and the family was at one of the two-storey houses, in the external area, on the roof. I asked to bring me Caesar, since I could not climb up
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posted in 26 Feb 2015
North-American drama: chimpanzees as objects
Chimp San Francisco Zoo North- American television aired days ago a drama that takes place in San Francisco Zoo, which is a testament to how zoos consider their animals mere entertainment objects for the public, without any other commitment. At the Californian Zoo, three chimpanzees live for over 40 years: two females, Minnie and Maggie, 45
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posted in 25 Feb 2015
Canoe, the Bangkok chimp, getting help form authorities
From Wildlife Friends of Thailand ( Finally a chance for change! On February 18th Edwin Wiek, founder of WFFT, was able to hand over 25,000 signatures of a petition on CHANGE.ORG to the director-general of the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNP), under the ministry of Natural
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posted in 25 Feb 2015
A Sunday in the Sanctuary
Adaptação César com mãe Samantha4_302x200 February, 15th, 2015 Samantha really knows all that we speak! At the moment I cannot illustrate what I witnessed with Samantha and Caesar, because she does not like camera and gets nervous. Sometimes she lets me, but that's when she allows me. Oh ... you think shooting chimps is easy?! It is
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posted in 18 Feb 2015
Alex, a chimpanzee in love
Alex is a different chimpanzee. Most of his life he lived in a circus, where he worked on all kinds of things, including the Death Globe, where chimpanzees ride motorcycles inside a mesh sphere, which can be deadly for men and primates. Alex is athletic, had to exercise to stay
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posted in 13 Feb 2015
Caesar returns to his world
Adaptação no recinto César e Susi2_302x200 Caesar, who is one year and two months old, is already back in his Chimpanzee World. A few days ago, we made the migration of the human world in which he was created all these months, under our care, since his mother, Samantha, did not manage to nurse him. Caesar
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posted in 10 Feb 2015
Chimpanzees in the United States: Final Solution… Death
In June 2013, the direction of NIH - National Institute of Health announced with great marketing that it would retire the 310 chimpanzees living in various medical torture centers in the United States. Later, it affirmed that only 50 would be kept as a strategic reserve. But it's been over a year and
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posted in 05 Feb 2015
Monti: a new death foretold
Alejandra Juarez was leaving her Sanctuary in Cordoba to Santiago del Estero. News came hours before from GAP Project members who were observing chimpanzee Monti and they were worrying. The backhoes destroyed the Zoo around him, the animals were being removed. Monti, a 45-year-old chimpanzee, in his cramped prison of
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posted in 29 Jan 2015
Sandra must be transferred to North American Sanctuary
Sandra According to the latest information received, Sandra, a female orangutan who lives in Buenos Aires Zoo and managed to be released to be transferred to a sanctuary through a Habeas Corpus filed on her behalf, can go, in a few months, for Center for Great Apes Sanctuary. in Wauchula, Florida,
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posted in 28 Jan 2015
Sandra released!
Sandra Information received suggest that the Judge of First Instance in Buenos Aires, who was analyzing the Habeas Corpus proposal on behalf of Sandra, female orangutan, welcomed the request and left the decision to send her to a sanctuary in charge of the Government of Buenos Aires Province, which owns the
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