posted in 01 Sep 2015
Darwin is dead
With this appeal, General Attorney of Argentina, Julio Conte-Grand, published an article in the influential newspaper La Nación in which he criticizes the possibility that Judge Dr. Elena Amanda Liberatori recognizes Sandra, female orangutan who lives alone in Buenos Aires Zoo, with the basic rights of a non-human being
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posted in 26 Aug 2015
Charles: the nonconformist
CHARLES His body lying on the floor, eyes staring at the ceiling, his mouth half open, his lips and oral mucosa in bluish color. Lack of oxygen in the final minutes that sparked his life was evident. It was still early in the morning when I put his first meal, but
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posted in 21 Aug 2015
UN supports transfer of orangutans and chimpanzee to GAP Sanctuary in Brazil
In letters sent to Argentina and Mexico, GRASP Project (Great Apes Survival Partnership), from the United Nations, coordinated by Doug Cress, supports the transfer of orangutans Sandra and Toto, who live respectively in the Buenos Aires Zoo and the Chapultepec Zoo (Mexico City), and Cecilia chimp, who lives in Mendoza
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posted in 18 Aug 2015
The destructive lie of American zoos: How we’ve blinded ourselves to the truths of the natural world
BRAZIL PENGUIN AIRLIFT A trip to the end of the earth revealed to me profound new insights about our relationships with animals by RANDY MALAMUD Stepping onto the remote Martillo Island in Argentina’s Tierra del Fuego, my first impression was that the penguins I had come to visit seemed elated not to
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posted in 18 Aug 2015
Steven Wise: Mister Habeas Corpus
In his pilgrimage by North American courts, some already call him "Mister Habeas Corpus". This 64-year-old lawyer, professor at Harvard University, writer and also a chemist, is an confess optimist and considers that it is near to a US Judge authorize an Habeas Corpus filed by him to rescue a
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posted in 17 Aug 2015
UN warns: orangutans of Borneo face severe threats of extinction
Borneo-Report GRASP - Great Apes Survival Partnership - is a UN program backed by more than 100 countries, NGOs, research institutes, UN agencies and private companies as they struggle to save the species of great apes still exist in the wild on the Planet. In addition to the Mountain and Cross river
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posted in 17 Aug 2015
Free Sandai
GAP Project in Chile, directed by Dr. Elba Muñoz, launched a public campaign for the release of Sandai, male orangutan who came from France and lives alone in a private zoo in Santiago, capital of Chile. At the same time we ask everyone to spread this campaign "Free Sandai",
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posted in 12 Aug 2015
GAP Project Mexico asks orangutan Toto, from Chapultepec Zoo, to live in a Sanctuary
5O8.540x304 A web petition asks Toto, the orangutan who was left alone after the death of his brother Jambi, at Chapultepec Zoo, in Mexico, to be transferred to GAP Sanctuary in Brazil. Sign the petition:
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posted in 06 Aug 2015
Partial victory: chimpanzees gain freedom!
Stony Brook University, in New York, agreed to release Leo and Hercules, the two chimpanzees who were under the court ruling at the Supreme Court of New York, with the possibility of being granted with a Habeas Corpus. The University has been very pressured by animal rights organizations and by
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posted in 03 Aug 2015
Gertrude dies: tortured in life
Gertrude She was born in Sierra Leone, West Africa, in the early 1970s. In 1975, she was captured and her parents were killed in a possibly mad capture program of baby chimpanzees in Africa to send them to North America, for projects of medical experiments. The destination was the Holloman Air Force
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posted in 29 Jul 2015
Paulina’s emotion: we do not want greater or cleaner cages, we want them empty
Paulina Bermudez is the director of GAP Project in Mexico. The news that Chapultepec Zoo gave on July 24 th , announcing the death of orangutan Jambi, was already predicted by her. She met him when she worked at the zoo, as well as his brother Toto. Since this time she has
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posted in 28 Jul 2015
Jambi dies
Jambi Chapultepec Zoo, in Mexico City, announced on July 23rd , in a statement, the death of orangutan Jambi, who, along with his brother Toto, lived for more than 24 years in the zoo. Recently it has been denied their transfer to the Sanctuary of the Great Apes of Sorocaba, affiliated with the
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posted in 27 Jul 2015
Habeas Corpus in the Americas
The debate carried out in the Supreme Court of New York about the right of two chimpanzees - Hercules and Leo - to live free with their peers in a sanctuary in Florida, instead of being kept in cages for a lifetime in a biomedical experimentation center at Stony Brook
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posted in 22 Jul 2015
U.S. judge temporarily grants habeas corpus to chimps in step forward for animal rights
Chimpanzee-Ape-Animal-Face by: L.J. Devon, Staff Writer (NaturalNews) Two chimpanzees from Long Island New York are about to have their day in court. Legal representatives for the two chimps say the animals have been "unlawfully detained" by Stony Brook University. New York State Supreme Court Justice Barbara Jaffe considers the chimpanzees
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posted in 14 Jul 2015
The drama of an abandoned chimpanzee
GAP Project Spain began has been receiving dramatic appeals of organizations and people of the city of Mendoza, Argentina, for the life of female chimpanzee Cecilia, who lives alone after her companions died - first Charly and then Xuxa, a few months ago - at the city zoo in Argentina.
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