posted in 11 Nov 2015
62% of North-Americans are in favor of Animal’s Rights
In 2008, according to Gallup agency, 25% of North-Americans believed that animals should have the same rights as humans. In 2015, one-third comes to believe in this. In addition, 62% of North-Americans now also believe that animals should have some legal protection, that they should be  free from  people abuse and exploitation, but without
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posted in 04 Nov 2015
A tribute of chimpanzees
Milan e Anita Starostik If there is someone chimpanzees in Brazil should make a tribute for by the struggle for their survival and living conditions, this is Milan Starostik. Over the past 15 years with Milan, a citizen of Czech origin, who set up at Parana, south of Brazil, a powerful industrial group - Cia
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posted in 27 Oct 2015
Thousands of “Sandras” in the world thank
For the first time in the world, a judicial system, in this case the Argentine, recognizes loud and clear that a great primate, Sandra, a female orangutan who lives in Buenos Aires Zoo, is a non-human person and has inalienable rights that must be respected.  That was the sentence of
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posted in 20 Oct 2015
Stand With Us for Abandoned Chimps
Oct 15, 2015: Today, we are rallying outside the New York Blood Center's headquarters in New York City with many other animal advocates. We have gathered together to call on NYBC to reinstate funding to care for more than 60 chimpanzees that the Center abandoned in Liberia. After decades of research and testing,
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posted in 15 Oct 2015
Emory University: bad example
Photo N. Megna LPAG If the American society does not mobilize until November 16, Emory University will send six females and two males chimps into a fifth category Zoo in England. After exploring them throughout life, now that they cannot continue torturing them, they intend to send them to an unknown destination, regardless of the
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posted in 15 Oct 2015
A hundred dollars for a bear
IMG_bearA__1__2_1_CO5FLEVH_L146486840 Despite protests since its ban in 1994, next week the State of Florida will allow 1900 hunters to compete for a black bear for two days. To have this absurd opportunity to kill a bear, if you are a resident hunter in Florida will pay $ 100; if you are from out of state, $…
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posted in 14 Oct 2015
Our biggest project
In the coming days, GAP Project and its representations worldwide will circulate among all social networks and the media the launch of its larger project:  the recognition of the four species of great apes as "World Living Heritage". This request, which is fair, scientific, ethical, moral, emotional and supportive, will
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posted in 08 Oct 2015
Massacre of bears in Florida
IMG_bearA__1__2_1_CO5FLEVH_L146486840 October 24th is the date set by the authorities euphemistically considered to be the ones who protect the American Fauna to begin the hunt for wild black bears in Florida. In two days, 320 must be annihilated, with rifle shots, for more than 1,900 hunters registered for that official massacre. The protests
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posted in 01 Oct 2015
The case Sandra
Sandra, a 30-year-old female orangutan, born in Germany, is in limbo at the Buenos Aires Zoo. The newspaper La Nácion, from Argentina, today published an article summarizing her case and mentions the possibility of she be transferred to the Great Primates Sanctuary of Sorocaba, affiliated with GAP Project, in
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posted in 28 Sep 2015
5 Things We Need to Stop Telling Ourselves About Zoos
ZOOLOGICOS_orangutan-JM We hear a lot of things to justify keeping animals in captivity. But are these justifications based on fact, or are they simply what zoos would have us believe? Here are five things we hear about zoos, and why we should think twice about them. Myth 1: Zoos exist for conservation
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posted in 16 Sep 2015
Ingratitude of a North American University
Rescued chimp now in the safety of sanctuary At Emory University, there is Yerkes Primate Center, which, for more than 50 years, tortures chimpanzees in medical experiments, according to private pharmaceutical interests. Primatologist Frans de Waal, who enriched and made himself known in the scientific world with his books on chimpanzees and bonobos, with fanciful unproven theories, managed, for
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posted in 16 Sep 2015
Caco’s adventure
CACO mini Yesterday, Monday (September, 14), was an atypical day at the Great Primates Sanctuary of Sorocaba. It was 11am and a wake-up call warned us that chimpanzee Caco had escaped. We put on our ongoing emergency system for these cases, warning everyone to protect, until those who had more intimacy with him
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posted in 10 Sep 2015
September 9th: Great Apes Day
Rwanda President, Paul Kagame, publicly endorsed a petition to establish September 9th as World Great Apes Day, referring to a recent petition submitted by the Republic of Sierra Leone to the United Nations General Assembly. President Kagame gave his support during his speech at the annual Kwita Izina gorilla naming
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posted in 03 Sep 2015
Busted: Guinean wildlife official arrested for trafficking chimpanzees
0903_RKessler_ApeTrafficker_-Doumbouya Ansoumane Doumbouya was arrested August 21, following an undercover investigation by various authorities, including INTERPOL, according to a press release from the Great Apes Survival Partnership (GRASP), an initiative of the United Nations. He faces 10 years in prison if he is convicted. “Ansoumane Doumbouya has been identified for years as central
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posted in 02 Sep 2015
Ape rights crusade continues despite court losses
By Robert Gavin | The case for legal "personhood" of chimpanzees in New York will not be heard anytime soon at the state's highest court, but don't expect the battle to end. Advocates for the apes' plight plan to continue making their case in court — and have some top legal scholars
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