posted in 11 Feb 2016
Boitatá Operation: the one million dollar snake
JeremyStone_SUB_CA02_BoitataFree_mini It was June 2011, Carlos Magno Abreu, environmental analyst at IBAMA (Brazilian Federal Environment Institute), better known as "Batata", entered Zoonit, in Rio de Janeiro, in the operation of IBAMA supported by Federal Police to close that center of mistreatment and trafficking of animals. He stopped in front of the enclosure
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posted in 03 Feb 2016
Baron cannot go back to a cage
Ngamba Island (5) This gentle and cheerful chimpanzee is again in danger of returning to a cage, as he has lived for years when used to be negotiated by a Ugandan dealer that neither gave him nutritious food. A rescue team of Ngamba Island Sanctuary had to ask for help from the police
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posted in 21 Jan 2016
The death of a solitary
Bob We found him in the wagon of a traveling circus in a small town in Minas Gerais state in the company of a big black bear, with whom he shared that improvised home. His name was Bob. We brought him with his friend bear to the Great Apes Sanctuary of
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posted in 12 Jan 2016
The cleverness of a baby chimpanzee
Adaptação no recinto César e Susi2_302x200 In the heavy rains in Sorocaba area in the last few days, the Great Ape Sanctuary had its share. There were floods in the lakes and the great amount of water ran to the small river where they flow, becoming a heavy torrent. Thirteen years ago, we took Guga's group,
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posted in 29 Dec 2015
African sanctuary flooded
PASA The floods that affect South America, especially this year, due to "El Niño" is also affecting Africa. Heavy rains are flooding large African areas and in recent days the Sanctuary of Ngamba Island, which hosts 48 chimpanzees in Uganda, also went into crisis. PASA - Pan-African Sanctuaries Alliance  had to
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posted in 23 Dec 2015
The hunt for bears: Terrorism in Florida
IMG_bearA__1__2_1_CO5FLEVH_L146486840 Almost 4000 hunters - 3779 - bought the license of the State of Florida put in sale between September and October to hunt 320 black bears, which for 21 years have been protected from murderous rage hunters - who seem more terrorists than anything else. Weeks before the “D” day to hunt bears, a
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posted in 22 Dec 2015
Chimpanzees: North-American drama
6F6A2240_jpg_312x1000_q100 After the determination of NIH – US National Health Institute - of retiring all chimpanzees who belong to it and are distributed in various institutions of biomedical research, which were torture centers for these unfortunate for over 50 years, a dilemma is being openly debated, typical of an extreme capitalist country. At
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posted in 16 Dec 2015
GAP Project wish you a Merry Christmas!
Natal GAP 2015 in_mini GAP Project wish you a Merry Christmas!
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posted in 16 Dec 2015
The delicacy of chimpanzees
Dr. Pedro com César e Jimmy 2015 One thing I have learned in my 15 years living with chimpanzees is to enjoy the delicacy they have when dealing with their similar or with humans that they trust. Through movies, testimonials, stories and even statements of primatologists who have never had the good fortune to live with these primates,
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posted in 15 Dec 2015
PASA: rescuing chimpanzees and great apes
Kanoa PASA - Pan African Sanctuary Alliance – today has 22 member sanctuaries and rescue centers in 13 African countries. For over 15 years, these NGOs have rescued great apes, who were in danger of death or of being smuggled to China or Arab countries, which would keep them in bad structured or private collectors
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posted in 25 Nov 2015
The last 50 tortured
Last week, NIH - US National Institute of Health announced that the last 50 chimpanzees who were chosen absurdly by the Institute as a strategic reserve, in case they had to use them in biomedical experiments, were also being released and will not be used anymore. For decades, NIH encouraged medical
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posted in 25 Nov 2015
GAP Chile: “Put yourself in the place of Sandai”
Libertad para Sandai On Saturday, November 21, we completed our first intervention in central Santiago (Ahumada Park), called "Put yourself in the place of Sandai". More than two dozen activists participated displaying a picture with half of Sandai's face, covering their own faces. In this way it was represented that we put ourselves in
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posted in 18 Nov 2015
Peter Singer supports campaign “Great Apes – Living World Heritage”
VÍDEO PETER SINGER Philosopher Peter Singer, one of the founders of GAP Project and considered the father of the movement for the defense of animal rights, has signed the letter of adhesion to the campaign Great Apes - Living World Heritage, advocated by GAP with Unesco. He recorded a video explaining  the reason
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posted in 17 Nov 2015
The wild chimpanzee who cared for her child with disability
By Melissa Hogenboom/ BBC Earth In the first case of its kind, a female chimpanzee has been observed caring for an infant with severe disabilities in the wild. The young chimpanzee was discovered in Mahale Mountains National Park in Tanzania. Known as XT11, she lived for 23 months. She was the
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posted in 12 Nov 2015
GAP Project Spain / International launches campaign “Great Apes – Living World Heritage”
12219585_495890877237991_3824314393315920936_n November, 11, 2015: Anyone who believes that the four species of great non-human primates - chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and bonobos - help to tell the story of humanity and hold intelligence and sensitivity that justify that their basic rights are respected can help, with a click, to officially recognize these animals as
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