posted in 18 Jan 2018
Rescued chimpanzees face an uncertain future in Nepal
By Bhadra Sharma and Kai Schultz (New York Times) KATHMANDU, Nepal — A group of plainclothes investigators assembled outside an animal smuggler’s house in the Himalayas recently, waiting for signs of life. Working off a tip that two baby chimpanzees were illegally passing through Nepal, the investigators burst into the
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posted in 11 Jan 2018
The amazing story of Wounda, the chimp behind the hug with Dr. Jane Goodall
As Dr. Jane Goodall discovered nearly 60 years ago, chimpanzees are so like us; complex and intelligent beings sharing much of our emotions like fear, compassion, and love. When considering these traits, one chimpanzee in particular stands out: Her name is Wounda. You may have seen Wounda in the Jane Goodall
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posted in 11 Jan 2018
Even chimps want to see Justice served
By Kate Wheeling Chimpanzees and children as young as six will pay to see offenders punished, suggesting justice-seeking behavior in humans has deep evolutionary roots Humans are social animals. We feel bad when misfortune befalls our friends, and pleasure when it befalls our foes. Plenty of research has documented justice-seeking
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posted in 22 Dec 2017
GAP Project wishes all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We wish everyone a peacefull Christmas and a prosperous new year. And also lots of achievements for our cause: the fight for the rights of great apes!  
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posted in 11 Dec 2017
Rescued gorillas airlifted to freedom
In an extraordinary operation to return them to the wild, three critically endangered Western lowland gorillas took to the skies of West Africa. The air-transfer, organized by PASA member Projet Protection des Gorilles (PPG) and Parc de la Lekedi, brought Rapha, Mwambe, and Dikkele to their forever homes in the
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posted in 11 Dec 2017
GAP BRAZIL: Mistreated chimpanzees are rescued in refuge
The work on Great Apes Sanctuary of Sorocaba/São Paulo/Brazil, affiliated to GAP Project, is highlighted in the last edition of French newspaper Le Petit Quotidien, made for 6 to 9 year-old young readers. Check the complete article with photos (in French). Le Petit Quotidien, 11 décembre 2017 - lepq5462
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posted in 08 Dec 2017
They are not properties, but how to prove it?
By Jaqueline B. Ramos * Watching a TV show about lawyers recently, I was surprised when it dropped a case involving the dispute over the custody of a chimpanzee. Veracities of the story aside, one of the advocates involved in the defense of the animal makes an outburst that sums it
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posted in 04 Dec 2017
Five things chimps can teach us about politics
There are incredible parallels between our political world and that of other primates. In Analysis: Primate Politics, Professor James Tilley has been finding out what we can learn about politics from the power struggles within chimpanzee groups. 1. Keep your friends close, but enemies closer Chimpanzee politics is a web of
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posted in 01 Dec 2017
Former zoo of Buenos Aires: AFADA makes a new request for Habeas Corpus on behalf of three chimpanzees
Martin, Sasha and Kangoo live in precarious conditions; the former zoo says the transfer is dangerous for the animals The Association of Officials and Advocates for Animal Rights (AFADA), from Argentina, has filed an application for a collective habeas corpus for Buenos Aires Justice requesting that three chimpanzees living in
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posted in 29 Nov 2017
GAP Project Spain/International requests the United States the immediate closure of Monkey Jungle Zoo, in Florida
GAP Project International reports the abuse and neglect of the animals at the Monkey Jungle Zoo, located in Miami-Dade, Florida, in the United States, especially the gorilla King, 48 years old, and the orangutan Mei, 32 years old. The complaint made by Melaine Lustig, a caretaker who left the zoo horrified by
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posted in 24 Nov 2017
The oldest chimpanzees living in captivity in the world die
Two of the oldest chimpanzees living in captivity in the world died this month. On November 15th, Little Mama, who was actually the world’s oldest living chimpanzee, believed to have been in her late 70s, died at Lion Country Safari, in West Palm Beach, United States, surround by eight
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posted in 17 Nov 2017
Africa: Suena spent 14 years in a cage and was granted a rehabilitation program. You can help make this happen for other chimpanzees
From PASA (Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance) Suena the chimpanzee, named after the run-down “sanctuary” he lived in, was locked alone in a filthy cage for 14 years. He could never feel the touch of another chimp, climb a tree, or feel the grass at his feet. His “caregivers” weren’t given
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posted in 14 Nov 2017
The Gorillas Dian Fossey Saved Are Facing New Challenges
By Elizabeth Royte (National Geographic) Shortly after dawn two mountain gorillas swing gracefully over the shoulder-high stone wall that borders Volcanoes National Park in northwestern Rwanda. Landing lightly on cropped grass, the silverbacks stroll downhill through cultivated fields—knuckle-walking at first, then upright on two legs. The adult males belly
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posted in 10 Nov 2017
Smuggled, Beaten and Drugged: The Illicit Global Ape Trade
The New York Times tracked international ape smugglers from Congolese rain forests to the back streets of Bangkok. Here is what unfolded. By Jeffrey Gettleman MBANDAKA, Democratic Republic of Congo — The sting began, as so many things do these days, on social media. Daniel Stiles, a self-styled ape trafficking detective
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posted in 04 Nov 2017
New species of orangutan announced
A new great ape species—the Tapanuli orangutan—was officially announced by an international team of scientists today. With 800 or fewer individuals, the Tapanuli orangutan is the rarest of all great apes. Previously, two species of orangutans were known—the Bornean orangutan and Sumatran orangutan. This new third species lives
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