From PASA - Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance Standing for sale in the middle of a crowded market, little Monro was alone and terrified. Overwhelmed by frightening voices and smells, he cried desperately for the mother who was murdered in front of his eyes. His captors had cruelly tied a rope
Center for Great Apes is celebrating 25th Anniversary
Originally established in 1993 as a permanent home for an infant orangutan (Pongo) and an infant chimpanzee (Grub) who were both kept at a Miami tourist attraction, the Center for Great Apes has to date cared for more than 60 great apes! Our Founder Patti Ragan did not ever expect to have
Trump administration wants to reinstate cruel hunting practices in Alaska, like killing hibernating bears, shooting wolf pups in dens
From Humane Society United States The Trump administration is trying to bring back some of the worst and most appalling hunting practices for wolves, grizzly bears and other wildlife on 20 million acres of federal public lands in Alaska. A rule proposed in May by the Department of the Interior would
Support Ngamba Chimps this Apegiving day – September 25th
What if we all gave for the sustainability of Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary? We can! On September 25th, 2018, our animal advocates will come together for a 24 hours of unprecedented giving day to support the amazing work of Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary through Giving Day for Apes. Chimpanzee Sanctuary and Wildlife
From PASA - Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance No one knows how long little Chickaboo was trapped with a vicious wire snare around her hand, all alone in the forest. Can you imagine the panic this baby gorilla felt? She was in terrible pain and starving when she arrived at Ape
GAP Spain names legendary Biruté Mary Galdikas as president of honor
The Great Ape Project Spain named, after her consent, Birute Mary Galdikas as president of honor of the organization. Galdikas is one of the three women who the anthropologist Louis Leakey chose for the field study of the great apes and today is the only one who remains in the
Help change the fate of former lab chimpanzees in United States
From NEAVS - New England Anti-Vivisection Society (USA) Did you know that hundreds of chimpanzees still languish in government owned or supported facilities? You read that right. In November 2015 our government, via the National Institutes of Health (NIH), announced that it would no longer support the use of chimpanzees in
The government of Brussels-Capital Region is putting an end to experiments on dogs, cats, and primates! Starting January 1st, 2020, experiments on these animals will be forbidden, significantly reducing the number of living beings used for testing in the region. Five years later, starting January 1st, 2025, animal experiments will also be
From PASA - Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance Oumou and Nana cling desperately to each other. They are tiny babies who look like twins, but in fact, they’ve only just met. Fear and confusion overwhelm them as they hear cars whizzing by, men shouting at one another – confusing sights and
Thomas Cook to end trips to parks with captive killer whales
From The Guardian Thomas Cook is to stop selling trips to animal parks that keep killer whales in captivity, following, it said, customer feedback and evidence from animal welfare specialists. “This was not a decision we took lightly,” Peter Fankhauser, CEO of Thomas Cook Group, said in a blog posted
Orangutan: How 70,000 years of human interaction have shaped an icon of wild nature
The evolution of the orangutan has been more heavily influenced by humans than was previously thought, new research reveals. Source: Cardiff University Professor Mike Bruford, of Cardiff University, was part of the team of scientists shedding light on the development of the critically endangered species. Their findings offer new possibilities
When volun-tourism isn’t all it’s cracked up to be’ – ‘It was pretty much a zoo’
By Garth Bray (Fair Go) Orangutans are being kept in cages for up to 14 hours a day without drinking water at a self-described research facility in Malaysia, a Fair Go investigation has revealed. Bukit Merah Orang Utan Island Sanctuary defended its treatment of the critically endangered animals, saying cages are
From Save the Chimps Sanctuary Henrietta, one of our beloved elderly residents, passed away recently due to complications of high blood pressure and heart disease. Henrietta, also known as Henri, was born in the wild in Africa in 1960s, and estimated to be at least 51 years old when she passed
From Center for Great Apes We’re eager to share some news with you… and with some surprising developments too! Just two weeks ago, we had an emergency call about two adult male chimpanzees in Oklahoma (Joe and Bo) who needed an immediate home. They lived in separate cages and
Rwandan people and mountain gorillas face changing climate together
by Elham Shabahat (Mongabay) The mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) is one of humanity’s closest relatives, and the largest primate to roam the rainy, high volcanic habitat of Rwanda. Recent conservation efforts have brought this Critically Endangered, charismatic species back from the brink of extinction. But now these great