posted in 21 Nov 2018
PASA/Africa: See new behind the stage footage and support the apes sanctuaries work
From PASA PASA - Pan African Sanctuary Alliance is the largest alliance of wildlife centers in Africa, with 23 pioneering member organizations in 13 countries. This year, many PASA member wildlife centers have seen a sudden increase in the number of chimpanzees they rescue – a sign that smuggling is on the rise.
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posted in 19 Nov 2018
GAP mourns for the decision of German Court to keep chimpanzee Robby at the circus
Early this month, international press gave the news about German Court final decision in favor of Klaus Köhler, from Circus Belly, to keep chimpanzee Robby, other than transferring the estimated 43-year-old chimpanzee to better conditions of captivity.  Robby is the last chimpanzee in a circus in Germany and for
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posted in 15 Nov 2018
Spain: GAP Project and Animalia Protección Animal alert about the deplorable state of five Japanese monkeys in Guardamar del Segura (Alicante)
For years, in the municipality of Guardamar del Segura (Alicante), a farm with a zoological nucleus managed by private owners  maintains five Japanese monkeys. Until a few days ago, these animals were in very small, dirty cages, without any competent authority taking steps to transfer them to a suitable place.
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posted in 30 Oct 2018
Are the great apes “persons”? The idea makes its way
Provide the great apes with a specific legal status: jurists and politicians want to move the borders of French law to better protect these primates in danger of extinction by promoting the emerging concept of "non-human person". The situation of the great apes in the wild is alarming: two species
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posted in 26 Oct 2018
China-backed hydro dam threatens world’s rarest orangutan
AFP A billion-dollar hydroelectric dam development in Indonesia that threatens the habitat of the world's rarest great ape has sparked fresh concerns about the impact of China's globe-spanning infrastructure drive. The site of the dam in the Batang Toru rainforest on Sumatra island is the only known habitat of the
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posted in 16 Oct 2018
Help save Doguy’s eye
From PASA - Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance Doguy’s eyes were bitten by fire ants, leaving him with excruciating infections. After extensive treatment, his left eye recovered but his right eye became inflamed and even more painful. It clearly needed to be extracted. Your overwhelming generosity made it possible to
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posted in 19 Sep 2018
Giving day for Apes 2018 – September 25th
Giving Day for Apes 2018 is a global day to raise awareness and individual support for more than 35 qualified sanctuaries and rescue centers providing rehabilitation and/or long-term care to great apes and gibbons throughout Africa, Asia, and North America. With more than $1,100,000 raised and awarded to sanctuaries and rescue centers
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posted in 18 Sep 2018
Health Is Wealth
From Chimpanzee Sanctuary and Wildlife Conservation Trust It’s the time of the year when the chimpanzee community at Ngamba Island gets shivers; it’s health check season. This year was so exciting since we live streamed the procedure for one day to enable our friends and supporters all over
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posted in 18 Sep 2018
Animal advocate lawyer suffers car accident in Argentina
The Argentine lawyer Pablo Buompadre, well known for his defense in favor of animal rights, was the victim of a serious accident yesterday (16) on the Pan-American Highway, in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He suffered cranial trauma and underwent risk surgery. According to information from the responsible medical team,
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posted in 11 Sep 2018
In Loving Memory of Iris, Garrey, and Tiffany
By Molly Polidoroff, Executive Director, Save the Chimps Sanctuary Just this summer, we marked the first World Chimpanzee Day, a day set aside to celebrate our closest cousins. We at Save the Chimps have the honor of being part of the community that provides the best possible care as chimps
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posted in 05 Sep 2018
Help Monro and Lily
From PASA - Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance Standing for sale in the middle of a crowded market, little Monro was alone and terrified. Overwhelmed by frightening voices and smells, he cried desperately for the mother who was murdered in front of his eyes. His captors had cruelly tied a rope
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posted in 01 Sep 2018
Center for Great Apes is celebrating 25th Anniversary
Originally established in 1993 as a permanent home for an infant orangutan (Pongo) and an infant chimpanzee (Grub) who were both kept at a Miami tourist attraction, the Center for Great Apes has to date cared for more than 60 great apes!  Our Founder Patti Ragan did not ever expect to have
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posted in 01 Sep 2018
Trump administration wants to reinstate cruel hunting practices in Alaska, like killing hibernating bears, shooting wolf pups in dens
From Humane Society United States The Trump administration is trying to bring back some of the worst and most appalling hunting practices for wolves, grizzly bears and other wildlife on 20 million acres of federal public lands in Alaska. A rule proposed in May by the Department of the Interior would
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posted in 27 Aug 2018
Support Ngamba Chimps this Apegiving day – September 25th
What if we all gave for the sustainability of Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary? We can! On September 25th, 2018, our animal advocates will come together for a 24 hours of unprecedented giving day to support the amazing work of Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary through Giving Day for Apes. Chimpanzee Sanctuary and Wildlife
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posted in 27 Aug 2018
Stolen from their mothers
From PASA - Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance No one knows how long little Chickaboo was trapped with a vicious wire snare around her hand, all alone in the forest. Can you imagine the panic this baby gorilla felt? She was in terrible pain and starving when she arrived at Ape
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