posted in 09 Sep 2019
GAP Brazil: Chimpanzee Black has a mate in the Great Apes Sanctuary of Sorocaba/SP
Four months after the transfer from the city zoo to the Great Apes Sanctuary of Sorocaba/SP, affiliated to GAP Project, chimpanzee Black could not have been better. He is fully adapted to the sanctuary routine and has no health problems, despite his estimated 50 years and the fact that he
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posted in 08 Aug 2019
BBC reinventing the wheel
In recent days, a BBC video circulating on social networks features chimpanzees of an African Sanctuary walking on two feet and requesting food from their African keepers. BBC is known for producing extraordinary documentaries of wildlife and the animal world. It could not conclude that two-foot chimps would be a
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posted in 05 Aug 2019
Legal standing for our no-human kin
By Alyson Baker* I stood next to Boris, a Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary caregiver, I was volunteering at the Sanctuary. I mentioned to Boris that Medina, the chimpanzee who was browsing on the other side of the fence, had something stuck on her back.   “Medina, what’s on your back?”
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posted in 25 Jul 2019
PASA/Africa: Help Captain
From PASA - Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance Captain, a young chimp, has endured constant abuse and neglect in his short life. When he was an infant a poacher slaughtered his mother in front of his eyes, then captured and sold Captain as an illegal pet. He was alone, torn from
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posted in 24 Jul 2019
Argentine activists ask judge to send orangutan Sandra to Brazil, not to US
The Association of Animal Rights Officials and Lawyers (AFADA, in Spanish) asked Judge Elena Liberatori “to change her criteria” so that the ape does not come to the US because of travel time and costs, among other reasons. After several months in office and after the Argentine courts decided to
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posted in 19 Jul 2019
A big move
From Center for Great Apes With the recent arrival of chimpanzee Chloe, our elder chimp “grandpas" Joe and Bo moved from their quarantine habitat over to the new expanded chimpanzee area. They made their way through the aerial trailways (about ¼ of a mile) rather quickly amidst many pant-hoots (and a
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posted in 09 Jul 2019
How Social Media Supports Animal Cruelty and the Illegal Pet Trade
Images of chimpanzees and other species appear cute, but they may actually depict animals in dangerous situations. Here’s how to tell what’s safe to share — and how that helps conservation. by Ashley Edes - The Revelator Whether you find it fascinating or disquieting, people recognize the inherent similarities
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posted in 08 Jul 2019
Some Monkeys Entered The Stone Age More Than 3,000 Years Ago
Brazilian tool-using monkeys have not just been engaging in the practice for far longer than we realized, they've also changed the way they use stone tools over time, going through recognizably different styles over thousands of years. Three years ago it was announced capuchin monkeys were using stone tools and
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posted in 24 Jun 2019
In a first, chimpanzees seen smashing and eating tortoises
By Douglas Main (National Geographic) Tortoises’ thick shells protect them from most predators. But our closest relatives have found a way to circumvent this defense: vigorously bashing them against trees. In a paper published today in the journal Scientific Reports, scientists report seven chimpanzees breaking open forest hinge-back tortoises in
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posted in 20 Jun 2019
Chimpanzees in the wild reduced to ‘forest ghettos’
by Marlowe HOOD Paris (AFP) | All four sub-species of the African primate are threatened with extinction, with at least one — the western chimpanzee — declining in number by more than 80 percent over three generations. Forty chimp experts from around the world — with a combined 300 years of field experience — issued…
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posted in 19 Jun 2019
What is magic without ape parts? Inside the illicit trade devastating Nigeria’s apes
Demand for ape body parts for spiritual purposes drives a complex and lucrative trade. BY ORJI SUNDAY*  - Mongabay Series: Great Apes OHOFIA, Nigeria — The fading sunlight, half-coned and yellow, turns the evening murky. The crowing of roosters mingles with the rattling of motorbikes as farmers make their way home
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posted in 18 Jun 2019
United States: A CA University poisoned seven baby monkeys to death
From NEAVS - New England Anti-Vivisection Society  They didn’t have a chance. Seven baby monkeys, one only a day old, were poisoned and died at the primate lab located at the University of California, Davis. The babies were only doing what comes naturally, nursing from their mothers. Due to
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posted in 12 Jun 2019
Happy 1st Anniversary, Joe & Bo!
From Center for Great Apes (CGA) One year ago, we picked up two senior male chimpanzees from a small unaccredited zoo in Oklahoma that was closing down. Both boys were kept alone in different cages after each of their female companions died years earlier.  And they had quite a history!
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posted in 27 May 2019
One year without Guga
The male chimpanzee Guga was born in a commercial breeding place in Paraná, Brazil, in 1999. When he was still a baby, he was "adopted" by a human family and inspired these people to start work that, over 20 years, helped rescue more than a hundred chimpanzees victims of mistreatment and perpetuate
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posted in 22 May 2019
GAP Brazil: Black spoke! And human Justice heard him
Do not worry. It's not fake news. Chimpanzees, like all living humans, have a way of expressing their feelings and desires. Chimpanzees get very close to humans in communicating their emotions and state of mind. We have been spending time with them for the last 20 years and can attest this
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