posted in 02 Apr 2020
The Chimpanzee & Me, by Ben Garrod: realistic and hopeful
Book review by Alyson Baker* In The chimpanzee & me, academic primatologist and broadcaster Ben Garrod relates his experiences with chimpanzees.  The stories are bracketed by tales of the first chimp he fell in love with – Pasa from the Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary in Uganda – and cover the biology and
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posted in 01 Apr 2020
Just Right
By Diana - Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest If you are new to the blog, here are two things to know about the boss female chimpanzee Jamie: she loves boots, and she is constantly ordering the humans around. You can see the force of her personality in these photos: She’s also
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posted in 31 Mar 2020
Virus which causes COVID-19 threatens great ape conservation
Interview with Johannes Refisch, United Nations Great Apes Survival Partnership Programme, Manager and Coordinator Both great ape research and tourism have allowed people to learn about chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and orangutans, and to observe them from a close proximity. Great ape tourism also serves as an important source of revenue
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posted in 26 Mar 2020
Coronavirus poses lethal threat to great apes, experts warn
The coronavirus pandemic could wipe out populations of chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans, leading scientists have warned. Our closest living relatives, which share about 98% of human DNA, are known to be susceptible to catching respiratory diseases from people. Even pathogens producing mild symptoms in humans have been lethal to great apes
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posted in 23 Mar 2020
The closure of Ngamba Island – update on COVID-19
With the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic, we are navigating unchartered waters. The world is yet again tested with a dangerous pathogen that has threatened our way of life. It is going to change how we relate with one another and has reminded us of the simple basic needs of humanity. Humans
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posted in 20 Mar 2020
COVID-19 puts great apes and monkeys in peril
From PASA - Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance This is one of the hardest letters I’ve ever had to write. Our hearts and thoughts go out to you and your loved ones who may be affected by COVID-19. At the same time, I need to tell you that the outbreak
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posted in 19 Mar 2020
A Special Message from the Center for Great Apes
Dear CGA Members and Supporters, As the news each day presents updated information about the COVID-19 health crisis and the importance of protecting ourselves, our families, and our colleagues, we at the Center for Great Apes are changing our policies and protocols to comply with suggested guidelines, best practices, and
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posted in 18 Mar 2020
Note from Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary about COVID-19
With the progression of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the health, safety, and well-being of all the 50 chimpanzees, guests and staff remain our top priority. We are working closely with medical professionals, specialists and Uganda's Ministry of Health regarding the necessary precautions to keep Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary secure and
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posted in 18 Mar 2020
A Letter from the Executive Director: COVID-19
By Gorilla Doctors Staff on Sunday, March 15th, 2020 in Blog. Dear Friends and Supporters, Last week, I attended and presented at the UC Davis One Health Institute annual meeting. As you can imagine, the coronavirus pandemic was a major focus. The One Health Institute, Gorilla Doctors’ administrative home at the
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posted in 12 Mar 2020
The UN wants to protect these chimps’ unique culture
By Rob Picheta, CNN The unique culture of nut-cracking chimpanzees has been selected for conservation by the UN, marking the first time an animal activity has been preserved by the international body. After decades of extensive research into the advanced learning patterns of chimpanzees, the organization's Convention on the Conservation
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posted in 06 Mar 2020
Ngamba Island’s chimps are in crisis. Help!
From PASA - Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance At Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary, a PASA member in Uganda, orphaned chimpanzees receive exceptional rehabilitative care. We are proud to say when these suffering animals are rescued from hopeless situations, Ngamba’s staff works tirelessly to give them the care they urgently need
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posted in 04 Mar 2020
A Chimp’s Death Leads to Bold Change at the World’s Largest Privately Funded Sanctuary for Chimpanzees
From Save the Chimps Sanctuary When Tiffany the chimp was euthanized on the morning of August 16, 2018, it was the end of two months of heartbreak, struggle and frustration for the staff at Save the Chimps (STC) in Fort Pierce, Florida. It also became the catalyst for bold change for an
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posted in 26 Feb 2020
World Wildlife Day – Sustaining Life on Earth. GAP talks about challenges and goals.
By World Wildlife Day (March 3rd) presents an important opportunity for us to raise environmental awareness and to consider our responsibilities in protecting the surrounding ecosystems, and the diverse plant and animal species that inhabit them. The theme for this year’s World Wildlife Day is “sustaining all
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posted in 26 Feb 2020
These chimpanzees, they are amazing people
A diary entry from our late founder, Dr. Carole Noon - From Save the Chimps Sanctuary  August 15, 2004 Dear All, As you read in the last newsletter we had some failed vasectomies and three babies born to the island group. Quite the comeuppance for Ms. Absolutely No Breeding to be sure.
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posted in 17 Feb 2020
Re-introduction of Natasha
Natasha is an adult female chimpanzee at Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary. She is also known as the most intelligent chimpanzee in the world In 2019, Natasha conceived following a hiatus from implants and gave birth to a healthy female baby on the 4th of September. As a
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