Mobilização mundial
postado em 03 jun 2008


O Projeto GAP está apoiando o movimento de várias organizações européias para conseguir os direitos básicos de ?pessoa? para o chimpanzé Hiasl, que está à beira de ser despejado do seu abrigo provisório na Áustria, e que se declarado ?pessoa? pelo Tribunal de Direitos Humanos Europeo de Estrasburgo, poderá ser designado um tutor e receber o financiamento anunciado para morar em um Santuário o resto de seus dias (ver neste site a notícia do dia 27.05.2008).

Assine e envie a seguinte carta ao Comissionado Europeu dos Direitos Humanos, Mr. Thomas Hammarberg, com seu pedido, por e-mail  e se for possível por fax 33(0)390215053:

Re: Please grant chimp Hiasl human status.

To the European Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr Thomas Hammarberg

Dear Mr Hammarberg,

I am writing to ask that the chimpanzee Matthew Hiasl Pan be granted human
status by the European Court of Human Rights.

Today, we know enough about chimps and other great apes to assess that they
possess intelectual and emotional capacities that qualify them as persons,
as they fulfill all the requirements that the definition of person entails.

By not granting them a human status, we are letting these beautiful,
sensitive persons be enslaved, tortured and acquired as properties.

Please be humane and let Matthew Hiasl be, from the legal point of view,
what he already is by nature: a person who has been kidnapped from his home
in Sierra Leona, brought to Europe illegally and against his will and
brutally separated at a very early age from his mother, family and friends.
A person who has already suffered a lot and needs to have a guardian
appointed so that he can spend the rest of his life peacefully.

Please grant Matthew Hiasl Pan human status.

Yours faithfully,

Nome/ Estado/ País