British decide to sacrifice monkeys
postado em 23 abr 2008

In the british Gibraltar Mountain, locates in the Iberic Peninsula, live a group of monkeys called the Gibraltar Monkeys which are the turistic attraction of the place.

This monkeys, which belong to the sylvanus macaca species, a relative of the Rhesus monkey, have been acused by some people of biting and invasion of private property as well as potential transmitters of salmonella and hepatitis.

The project Great Apes from Spain has manifested their opposed opinion to the british governament decision of extermination.  The Great Ape Project justifies their opposition due to the fact that there exists way of controlling the population of this monkeys without been so redical.

As an alternative to pressure the british governament to revise the decision, the GAP project is aking people to boycott turistic trips to Gilbraltar Mountain as well as Catalan Bay and Sandy Bay, which are also areas of habitat of these monkey.